There are 16 ounces in a pound, so to determine how many ounces of mini marshmallows equal a pound, you would divide 16 by the weight of one mini marshmallow. If a mini marshmallow weighs 0.5 grams, you would convert that to ounces (0.5 grams is approximately 0.018 ounces) and then divide 16 by 0.018 to get the number of mini marshmallows in a pound.
The conversion from grams to cups for mini marshmallows can vary slightly depending on the density of the marshmallows and how tightly packed they are. However, as a general estimate, 250g of mini marshmallows is approximately equivalent to about 2 cups. It's always best to use a kitchen scale for precise measurements when baking or cooking with ingredients like marshmallows that can vary in density.
try buying loads of mini marshmallows?
There is 64 regular marshmallows in a pound. There is 8 cups of mini marshmallows in a pound, so about 825 mini marshmallows in a pound.
The conversion of grams to cups depends on the density of the substance being measured. In the case of mini marshmallows, the density can vary, but as a general guideline, 400 grams of mini marshmallows is approximately 4 cups. It's always best to use a kitchen scale for accurate measurements, especially when dealing with ingredients that can vary in density.
Get a set of digital kitchen scales and put the marshmallows on one by one until you have 8oz
One cup of miniature marshmallows weighs 50 grams. One regular marshmallow weighs 7 grams. Ten miniature marshmallows weigh as much as one regular marshmallow.
There are approximately 5.5 cups of mini marshmallows in a 10 oz bag. This estimation is based on the fact that 1 cup of mini marshmallows weighs around 1.8 oz. Therefore, by dividing the total weight of the bag (10 oz) by the weight of 1 cup of mini marshmallows (1.8 oz), we can calculate that there are approximately 5.5 cups in a 10 oz bag.
Ten mini marshmallows is equal to one large marshmallow. Four large marshmallows is equal to 1/4 cup of mini marshmallows.
Mini marshmallows are not a standard size. Go with what looks like a good approximation depending on the size that you have. Alternatively, try to find out the weight of 32 full size marshmallows, and use the same weight of mini marshmallows.