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Majority of Canadians are animal rights people. And they do not understand why PM Harper and his Government still support barbaric seal hunt because of small group of Northern hunters and their old cruel tradition.

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Q: How do you rewrite a story?
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A summary is a short rewrite of the important parts of a story.

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When you rewrite the main ideas of a story article or lecture in a shorter form you what?

You have created a summary of the story, article or lecture.

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In this instance one has changed part of the "orientation" of the story, specifically, the setting.

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How do you rewrite your book?

To rewrite your book, start by reading through your manuscript and identifying areas that need improvement, such as plot holes, character development, and pacing. Make a detailed outline of the changes you want to make before diving into rewriting. Take your time to carefully work through each chapter, revising and editing as needed to strengthen your story. Finally, seek feedback from beta readers or editors to get an outside perspective on your rewritten book before finalizing it.

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Find out yourself by reading the story.

What might have happened if Pete had decided to win the pepper eating contest Beginning at the moment of climax rewrite the story of The Grains of Paradise In your dnouement be sure to show how?

Find out yourself by reading the story.

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word document on one side and new document on the other example: existing document new document a short story same story rewrite

What is death note rewrite?

It is a Rewrite of the original Death Note series.