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You will need a test program (also called a diagnostic) that exercises the functions that are suspected of making errors. You may also have to run this program under a variety of different environmental conditions (e.g. high temperature, low temperature, higher supply voltages, lower supply voltages) to stress the hardware more and increase the chance of finding intermittent errors.

Such testing can often be quite frustrating, I did it on systems that had to operate on full Military temperature range (-54C to +75C) for over a decade and some problems took more than a month of varying test conditions and rerunning tests over and over (even sometimes writing special diagnostics just for that problem) before the cause of the problem could be isolated.

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6y ago

You would place the system under load to be able to test for problems that only show up under certain circumstances. Here are some possible testing scenarios:

1. If your problem is related to the memory, you would typically have a lot of memory, so it may take a while to show up under normal use. But if you were to use all of the memory during testing, it might cause the PC to crash if there is a bad spot in the memory somewhere.

2. Thermal problems can be hard to locate too. A normal user might not use their computer enough to provoke this, but strenuous testing would find it.

3. With multi-core processors, there could be a problem with one of the cores and you might not find it without placing the PC under a load. There could be a problem on one of the higher numbered cores involving some lesser used instructions. But if you were to hammer every core with every instruction multiple times, you could find it.

4. When you put together a new computer, the parts are usually still under warranty. So what you do is do vigorous testing during this period to see if it will break. If it does, then the parts involved can be returned or exchanged.

5. This is good for gamers too since they demand a lot out of their computers. You don't want your PC to crash during a tournament, so you would test it vigorously in advance. So if you simulate the gaming environment or an even harsher environment, and nothing happens, then it should hold up at a gaming tournament. Athletes often see a doctor before a big race or game, so it makes sense that computers used in gaming should get checked out before tournaments.

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9y ago

You would place the system under load to be able to test for problems that only show up under certain circumstances. Here are some possible testing scenarios:

1. If your problem is related to the memory, you would typically have a lot of memory, so it may take a while to show up under normal use. But if you were to use all of the memory during testing, it might cause the PC to crash if there is a bad spot in the memory somewhere.

2. Thermal problems can be hard to locate too. A normal user might not use their computer enough to provoke this, but strenuous testing would find it.

3. With muti-core processors, there could be a problem with one of the cores and you might not find it without placing the PC under a load. There could be a problem on one of the higher numbered cores involving some lesser used instructions. But if you were to hammer every core with every instruction multiple times, you could find it.

4. When you put together a new computer, the parts are usually still under warranty. So what you do is do vigorous testing during this period to see if it will break. If it does, then the parts involved can be returned or exchanged.

5. This is good for gamers too since they demand a lot out of their computers. You don't want your PC to crash during a tournament, so you would test it vigorously in advance. So if you simulate the gaming environment or an even harsher environment, and nothing happens, then it should hold up at a gaming tournament. Athletes often see a doctor before a big race or game, so it makes sense that computers used in gaming should get checked out before tournaments.

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15y ago

to verify that its truly stable

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Q: Why do you place the system under a load when you are testing for errors?
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