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Q: Which unit is used to measure the volume of one dose cough syrup?
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What unit is used to measure the volume of one does of cough syrup?

The volume of one dose of cough syrup is typically measured in milliliters (ml) or teaspoons (tsp).

What is a dose of pholcodeine?

A dose of cough syrup

What to use to measure cough syrup?

With newer bottles of cough syrup, there are usually measuring cups included in the package with lines indicating in mg or ml. On the side of the bottle, gives you the dose size for adults (which is anyone over 12 years old) should take so many mg or ml. Anyone under 12 and unless should see a doctor.

How much cough syrup will kill you?

Any more than the prescribed dose of any cough syrup will kill you. Unless the only active ingredient is Dextromethorphan. In that case any amount more than 8 ounces will kill you. shut up! that's total crap, don't be an over cautious bitch, sippin syrup is bad for you but if you drink more then the dose on the bottle you wont die you'll just be leaninnnnngg

How do you measure 10 ml of cough syrup?

You can use a measuring cup or a syringe that is marked in milliliters to accurately measure 10 ml of cough syrup. Fill the measuring device to the 10 ml mark and then carefully pour or dispense the syrup as needed.

Where to buy over the counter cough syrup with codeine in NY?

They do not sell codeine cough syrup OTC in the USA. You can buy codeine products OTC in Canada, though. 8mgs per dose. The only way to get narcotic cough syrup is to have a doctors perscription. To set the record straight cough syrup that contains codeine may be purchased not over the counter but by asking the Pharmacist for the medication and then siging for it in a log that we keep behind the counter. For the folks that like to make bold statements ie the cough syrup with codeine can not be purchased any where in the USA.. you need to do some background work. I do not know the regulations of every state but in Tennessee this product can be purchased in a pharmacy.

What do you use to measure cough syrup?

Cough syrup is typically measured using a special measuring device that comes with the syrup, such as a dosing cup or spoon. It is important to use this measuring device to ensure accurate dosing and avoid over- or under-dosing. Avoid using regular household teaspoons or tablespoons, as they may not provide accurate measurements.

If A 6fl oz bottle of cough syrup is given 4 times a day how many doses are in the bottle?

Take the size of the dose, multiply it by four and divide 6 fl oz by the result.

Can you take regular Tylenol and cough syrup i gave daughter both medicinies is that okay.?

I would need to know the age of your daughter. We usually think of Tylenol as a very safe medicine, but it is not always. If you take too much (especially in children) it can have harmful side effects. Check to see if the cough syrup contains "acetaminophen" . This is the same as the active ingredient as what is in Tylenol, so if you gave her both, you may have given her a double dose of it. If this is the case, you should call a doctor to check that the dose was OK. If the cough syrup does not contain acetaminophen, I would guess that she is going to be OK. But if you have any more questions, I urge you to call or go to your pharmacist. They know everything about this stuff and they are happy to help you.

How do you get a prescription for cough syrup?

If you are concerned about your cough, call your doctor's office or insurance advice nurse to discuss your symptoms and see if they want you to set up an appointment. If it is a minor, but bothersome, cough associated with a cold or flu, go to your pharmacy. There is a wide variety of cough syrups sold over-the-counter that are formulated to treat different types of coughs and other symptoms. Your pharmacist can help you find the right one for you. There are certain people who seek a prescription for cough syrup because if they take more than a prescription dose the ingredients give them a "high." This can cause headaches, nausea, and if overdone, serious complications. Please do not use cough syrup for entertainment, or as a way to escape from the stresses of life. If you are tempted to give in to peer pressure please talk to your school counselor or nurse; or even better, your parents. If you are using cough syrup as an escape, please talk to a friend, family member, therapist, or spiritual adviser. [Note: I am not a medical doctor or pharmacist.]

Is there a cough suppressants i can take with zoloft?

Seroquel® is a psychotropic medication used to treat schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and other forms of mental illness. Codeine is a narcotic that may be an ingredient in cough syrup for treatment of cough with or without respiratory discomfort. Both drugs are sedating and should not be combined unless prescribed by a doctor. It should be okay to mix Seroquel with a standard dose of over-the-counter cough syrup, although any product that causes drowsiness is likely to enhance the sedating side-effect of the Seoquel.

How is A dose of 7 grams measured in teaspoons?

It depends on the density of the material being measured. Grams measure mass while teaspoons measure volume. You can use density to convert between them since [density = mass / volume].