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Q: What uses charged liquid crystals located between two sheets of clear material to light up the appropriate pixels to form the image on the screen?
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Related questions

What holds crystals of ionic compounds together?

Ionic bonds hold crystals of ionic compounds together. These bonds are formed between positively and negatively charged ions, which are attracted to each other through electrostatic forces. The strong attraction between oppositely charged ions in the crystal lattice structure results in the formation of a stable ionic compound.

What is the rubbing force that strips electrons or a material and makes it charged?

The rubbing force that strips electrons from a material and makes it charged is known as triboelectric effect. This occurs when two materials are rubbed together, causing a transfer of electrons between the materials due to differences in their electron affinities, leading to one material becoming positively charged and the other becoming negatively charged.

What is the material between two charged bodies that prevents the discharge of electricity from one body to the other?

The material between two charged bodies that prevents the discharge of electricity is an insulator. Insulators have high resistivity, which inhibits the flow of electric current between the charged bodies. Examples of insulating materials include rubber, glass, and plastic.

What will a negatively charged material do to a positive charged material?

opposites attract, likes repel.

How are solid materials charged?

Solid materials can become charged through processes such as friction, induction, or conduction. When two materials rub against each other, electrons can be transferred between them, resulting in one material becoming positively charged and the other negatively charged. Charged objects can also induce a charge in a neutral solid material by bringing the charged object close to it.

What is a material that loses electrons becomes a positively charged b negatively charged cneutral deasilt attracted?

A material that loses electrons becomes positively charged.

Explain why some salts form crystals?

Salts are compounds composed of positively and negatively charged particles called ions. When salt dissolves in water or another solvent, the ions separate and come together in an orderly arrangement as the solvent evaporates, forming crystals. This process is driven by the electrostatic forces between the positively and negatively charged ions.

What happens when uncharged materials come in contact with a charged material?

When uncharged materials come in contact with a charged material, some of the electrons from the charged material can move to the uncharged material through a process called charging by induction. The distribution of electrons in both materials can become more balanced, leading to a decrease in the overall charge of the initially charged material.

What are cations attracted to such as KCI and salt crystals?

Cations are attracted to anions in compounds like KCl and salt crystals. This attraction is due to electrostatic forces between the positively charged cations and negatively charged anions, which form ionic bonds. In the case of KCl, potassium cations (K+) are attracted to chloride anions (Cl-), leading to the formation of a crystal lattice structure.

Can objects be charged by friction and streching?

Yes, objects can be charged by friction through the transfer of electrons between materials. Stretching certain materials can also cause them to become charged due to the separation and movement of charges within the material.

What is a coordination number in ionic crystals refer to?

The number of oppositely charged ions surrounding it

How does friction cause insulators to become charged?

When an insulator rubs against another material, it can cause electrons to be transferred from one material to the other due to the contact and separation forces. This results in one material becoming positively charged and the other becoming negatively charged. Friction between the insulator and another material can create an imbalance of electrons on the insulator's surface, leading to the insulator becoming charged.