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Image cache has been implemented in quite a few programs. They all follow the same general idea. Caching, in general, is a duplicate of the original data which is stored in another location that is much easier and faster for retrieval than the original data. Most modern Web Browsers have caching implemented. When you visit a website, every image in the page was downloaded from the web server. All these images are stored in a temporary folder. If you ever visit that website again, the browser will check whether that image has been modified since you last downloaded it. If the image hasn’t been modified since, the browser will display the image from your temporary folder instead of downloading it. This gives the web browser the ability to display a website much faster than if it needed to download the images every time you visit the website. Image caching is also used in a number of other programs as well as games. Since many full screen games redraw everything on the screen all the time, they use image caching. Instead of loading the image from the hard drive every time, the image is saved temporary to the ram (primary storage), which can be accessed much faster.

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In most browsers, the image cache is meant for storing data regarding images so that the page can load faster if reopened. This technique works because images consume bandwidth than text.

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How do you use Cache in a sentence?

Cache can be used in the following ways. If your computer is running slow, you can always just delete the cache file.

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memory cache is on memory RAM, disk Cache is on the hard drive. They make things to get faster. For instance Google Earth use this disk cache to show you offline images.

How can you use the word cache in a sentence?

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How do you view cache files and then download from internet explorer?

Get the files from cache folder of the disk cache device, cache directory. Save them to desktop and rename them with applicable file extension and use that files as if they are downloaded.

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What is a cache outside the processor called?

L2 cache. Today's processors all have some memory on the processor chip (called a die). Memory on the processor die is called Level 1 cache (L1 cache). Memory in the processor package, but not on the processor die, is called Level 2 cache (L2 cache). Some processors use a third cache farther from the processor core, but still in the processor package, which is called Level 3 cache (L3 cache).

Why do computers use cache memory?

It's strictly a function of speed. To read what's in cache, the processor does not need to address the buss and wait for the response. Cache memory is available instantly.

When was Cache Cache created?

Cache Cache was created in 1981.

What type of data is stored in cache memory?

Cache memory normally stored instructions and data that the processor likely to use frequently.