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The role of metastable states in circumventing laser pulse jitters in multi-step laser excitation of high-lying Rydberg and autoionizing states is discussed. A case study is presented where step-wise excitation of 3d4d (3)G(3,4,5) states of Ca is achieved despite a large jitter between the laser pulses

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Q: What is the role of metastable state in laser?
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What is the definition of Metastable state in laser?

In lasers, a metastable state is a state in which atoms or molecules are in an excited state with a longer-than-normal lifetime before emitting a photon and returning to a lower energy state. This allows for the accumulation of a population inversion necessary for laser action.

What is metastable state of plasma?

A metastable state of plasma is a state where the plasma remains in an excited state for a relatively long period before transitioning to a lower energy state. This can occur when the collisions between particles in the plasma are minimized, allowing the excited state to persist. Metastable states are important for various plasma applications, such as in laser technology and plasma processing.

What radioactive decay processes have no transmutation?

Only gamma, it is the process by which a metastable excited nuclear isomer of an isotope relaxes down to the ground state of the same isotope. Some metastable states must undergo multiple gamma decays through less excited metastable states to reach the ground state.

What information is conveyed by the m in 99mTc?

The "m" in 99mTc indicates that the technetium is in a metastable state. This means that the technetium is in an excited nuclear state that will decay to a more stable state by emitting gamma radiation. Metastable technetium is commonly used in nuclear medicine imaging.

What is dynamic metastable equilibrium?

Dynamic metastable equilibrium refers to a condition where a system remains in a metastable state, where it is not at its lowest energy state but is functionally stable over a period of time. This state involves a delicate balance between stability and change, with the system capable of transitioning to a more stable state if given a perturbation or stimulus. Examples include supercooled liquids or supercooled supersaturated solutions.

What is metastable ion in mass spectroscopy?

A metastable ion in mass spectrometry is an ion that has been excited to a higher energy state but has not yet undergone fragmentation. These ions can exhibit unique fragmentation patterns different from those of ground-state ions, providing additional structural information. Metastable ions are often formed in collision-induced dissociation experiments.

Why metastable state is more stable then excited state?

A metastable state is more stable than an excited state because it has a longer lifetime due to a higher energy barrier to overcome for the transition to a lower energy state. In contrast, an excited state is a temporary state with a short lifetime as the electrons quickly return to a lower energy state by emitting photons or transferring energy.

What is metastable zone width?

The metastable zone width is the range of temperatures within which a substance can exist in a metastable state, meaning it is supercooled or supersaturated and undergoing phase transformation. It is important in processes like crystallization and pharmaceutical formulation to control the conditions for desired product properties.

What kind of flip flop has no invalid or unused state?

None, all flip flops have a small probability of entering a metastable invalid state.

Why ruby laser is a solid state laser?

laser production is done by a solid state active working material.

Can water stay liquid at subzero temperatures if you had enough pressure?

The sub zero liquid state is an achievable metastable state with an energy level between that of the gas and solid. Subzero water in this metastable state is said to be super-cooled. In the temperature range 0c to -40c the supercooling phenomenon is prevalent. Reference: See the related link below.

How electrons can stay in the metastable state for longer time?

Electrons can stay in a metastable state for longer periods by being shielded from external influences that could disrupt their energy levels. This can be achieved by placing the electrons in a controlled environment with minimal interactions with surrounding particles, such as in a vacuum or a low-temperature setting. Additionally, the use of special materials that support long-lived excited states can help prolong the lifetime of metastable electrons.