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pathogen is correct but not protozone because the one that carries disease is the pathogen and it is also one ofthe main four. You could say it is a protozone but, the better answer would be Pathogen. So protozone is not in the main four.

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Q: What are the four main disease carrying microbes?
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What are the main four microbes?

The four main microbes are bacteria,proatozoa,virus and fungus

What are the four main groups?

The four main microbes are bacteria,proatozoa,virus and fungus

What are the four main microbe groups?

Microbes are sorted into these 4 groups: Viruses, Fungi, Bacteria and Protozoa

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bacteria virus fungi microbes

What are the two main categories of disease that microbes can deliver?

The two main categories of disease that microbes can deliver are infectious diseases, caused by pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites, and non-infectious diseases, caused by factors such as toxins produced by microbes or the body's immune response to the microbe.

What are tow main microbes that cause disease?

Some common microbes that cause disease in humans include bacteria (such as Escherichia coli or Staphylococcus aureus) and viruses (such as Influenza virus or Human Immunodeficiency Virus). These microbes can lead to a wide range of illnesses and infections depending on the specific type and strain.

What are the different classes of microbes?

Microbes can be classified into six main groups: bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, algae, and archaea. Each group has distinct characteristics and includes various species that play important roles in ecosystems and human health.

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What are the 5 main microbes?

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How are microbes useful in household life?

Microbes are very important part of ecology the main or general function of microbes to human or enviornmental wellfare is to work as decomposers. Microbes like bacteria and fungi are also used in industrial production of enzymes and proteins or some antibiotics. Some fungi like yeast is also used in making wine and other in dairy products.The another useful function of microbe is to study the action and mechaninsms of genetic disease as E.coli is many time taken as model to study genetic diseases

What is lymphocyte?

The lymphocyte is the main cell of the lymphoid tissue.Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell which produce antibodies to kill any pathogens which invade the body.They are small white blood cells which have large nuclei, but no granules.They produce antibodies that fight disease and harmful microbes in the body or mark the disease for the phagocytes to engulf.