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Different data rate speed (for rs232 is lower), usb is more flexible and takes less energy. Different instructions and commands. If you are a programmer then it's easier for to work with usb then with rs232.

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βˆ™ 17y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago


1)Asynchronous communication

2)parallel data transfer


1)Synchronous communication

2)serial data transfer

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Q: What are the differences between UART and USB?
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Uart basically stands universal asynchronous receiver transmitter.As it is asynchronous so there is no need for synchronization between transmitter and receiver.For detailed information click on to www.wikipedia .org.

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It is UART and USART instead of URAT and USART. The biggest difference between URAT and USART is that UART sends data byte by byte. USART sends data in blocks and can send a clock with the data.

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The letters 'UART' is an acronym that stands for Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter. It is a piece of computer hardware that translates data.

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UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter

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The difference between a USB host and USB OTG is simple. USB host is one device connected directly to the computer. USB OTG (on-the-go) is where a device, be it a cellphone, tablet, or whatnot is connected and used as the host.