Reduced Instruction Set Computers (RISC) is a computer chip design strategy/architecture intended to make the CPU chip less complex to design and thereby potentially faster.
Every computer has an inbuilt set of instructions. A set of register patterns that, when detected on the CPU's main register/bus, control how it switches internally. With RISC architecture computers the idea is to simplify the number of possible switching paths that have to be built "internally". This should make the CPU easier to design and increase its throughput. RISC was all the rage in the 1980s - particularly the Sun "SPARC" CPU chips.
[While I am sure that RISC has an important place in CPU design, in effect reducing what the hardware can do for the application programmer in "one" action (instruction), means that the complex tasks that were handled by the hardware have to be coded for by the application (probably inefficiently) - you still need to do them! and I was never convinced that overall, from the user level viewpoint, any real speed advantage was achieved].
Stephen Widjaja has written: 'Reduced instruction set computer memory architectures' -- subject(s): Reduced instruction set computers, Computer architecture, Computer storage devices
RISC - Reduced Instruction Set Computer CISC - Comples Instruction Set Computer
CISC: Complex Instruction Set ComputerRISC: Reduced Instruction Set Computer
Reduced Instruction Set Computer Complex Instruction Set Computer
It provides more instructions than RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer).
Reduced Instruction Set Computer.
Reduced Instruction Set Computer
The two major types of MPUs are CISCs (complex instruction set computing) and RISCs (reduced instruction set computing).
vacuum tube --> transistor --> IC --> microprocessor --> multiprocessorseparate business/scientific processors --> common universal processorslarge slow power hungry heat emitting --> small fast efficient coolsmall expensive memories --> large cheap memoriescomplex instruction set computers (human/small memory) --> reduced instruction set computers (optimizing compiler/large memory)who knows where electronic computers will go from here, we aren't at the end yet
ARM is a family of instruction set architectures for computer processors based on a reduced instruction set computing architecture developed by British company ARM Holdings.
CISC RISC Emphasis on hardware Emphasis on software Includes multi-clockcomplex instructions Single-clock,reduced instruction only Memory-to-memory:"LOAD" and "STORE"incorporated in instructions Register to register:"LOAD" and "STORE"are independent instructions Small code sizes,high cycles per second Low cycles per second,large code sizes Transistors used for storingcomplex instructions Spends more transistorson memory registersRegards,Foad GodarzyNSWER: I believe a CISC processor is a 32 bit processor and a RISC is a 64 bit processor
Donald L. Gribble has written: 'A new RISC architecture for high speed data acquisition' -- subject(s): Reduced instruction set computers, Computer architecture, Automatic data collection systems