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They're called - pixels. The word pixel is a contraction of the phrase 'picture element'.

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Q: The series of dots that form the image on a monitor are called?
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The individual dots that form the image on a monitor are called?


Is the scanned image made up of series of pixels or dots?

it made up of dots

A satellite image is made up of thousands of tiny dots called what?

The tiny dots in a satellite image are called pixels. Each pixel represents a specific color or brightness level and together they form the image that we see.

A satellite image is made up of thousands of tiny dots called?

pixels. These pixels are the smallest unit of an image and contain information about color and intensity. The combination of these pixels forms a complete image when viewed from a distance.

How a monitor uses pixels to create an image?

A "pixel" is simply a dot. The computer sends a signal to the monitor, causing a bunch of dots to do their thing and when they all come together it makes an image. As the dots become small enough our eyes can't distinguish the difference between dots and a picture.

What are the dots in pop art called?

The dots commonly seen in pop art are called "benday dots." These dots are used to create shading and tone in a printed image, and were popularized by artists like Roy Lichtenstein. Benday dots are named after illustrator and inventor Benjamin Henry Day Jr., who patented the process in 1879.

What is the name of spec for the holes in a monitor's aperture grill?

It is called dot pitch the measurement from the center of one hole to the center of the hole next to it.

What are two advantages of setting an lcd monitor t run in its native resolution?

LCD monitors are designed to run at a native resolution. They have fixed dots that should line up with a pixel on your display. If your monitor is not set to its native resolution, it will try to display it, but the end image will be blurry and possibly distorted. You should change your computer's DPI (Dots Per Inch) setting instead of resolution if you find things too small to view on an LCD monitor.

How does a monitor use pixles to create an image?

Each pixel is made up of three colored dots (Red, Green and Blue). The computer's processor tells the screen which pixels to switch on and which color to display. This happens THOUSANDS of times in a second - giving you a stable image to look at.

What is a graphic called that is defined by the colors of dots or pixels which make the picture and created using photo editors or image editing graphics software such as adobe photoshop and corel p?

Raster or Bitmap image.

Is it true that the the resolution of a monitor is measured in the number of pixels or dots that it can display?


What is the system for the writing and printing for the blind called?

It is known as Braille - which is a series of raised dots placed in patterns that represent numbers or letters.