Reputable dictionaries of American English list it three ways: hard hat; hard-hat; hardhat. The choice seems to rest partly on the meaning of the phase and how it is used grammatically. If the main reference is to a hat such as a protective helmet that happens to be hard, then it will be "hard hat." If it is slang for "a construction worker" or "an ultra conservative person," then it may be "hard-hat" or "hardhat." If it used as an adjective ("CAUTION: Hard-hat area") then it will be "hard-hat" or "hardhat." If used as a noun ("CAUTION: Hard hat required") then is may appear as two words. Words of that kind usually pass through stages, beginning as two words, developing into hyphenated forms, and then finally finding acceptance as fused single words.
Searching several online dictionaries, it appears that hard hat, hard-hat, or hardhat is acceptable. Which ever spelling you choose to use, be consistent.
Yes as long as you can adjust the hardhat to fit over them on your head. There is no reduction in the protection you receive from the hardhat.
The hardhat allows you to enter the Diamond Mines, where you will find the White Jewel.
This plastic hardhat shows the debilitating effect of long-term exposure to the Sun.
You get the hardhat as a reward from Big Zeke for completing the Safari. (see related question)
in the mine
Replacement hardhat liners are available from many retailers. You can order hardhat liners at websites like Home Depot, Lowe's, Discount Safety Gear, and Grainger Industrial Supply.
Required hardhat. Random hammer. Rusty hasp.
The Hardhat can be obtained sometimes from winning the game "Towing the Line" in The Robot Chronicles. MLN Username is nathan6342 drop by to say hi!
Hipbone is one word.
One word, two syllables