3.2 TBS/oz. Easier to measure tablespoons... ;) 1 TBS=0.3125 oz Sources: http://www.bread-bakers.com/archives/digests/v102n046.txt --------------- MESSAGE bread-bakers.v102.n046.10 --------------- From: "Barrie J. Lax"
Subject: Conversions ..
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2002 14:31:51 -0400 Sunflower Seeds (shelled) NEW
1/4 Cup = 1 1/4 oz.
1/3 Cup = 1 3/4 oz.
1/2 Cup = 2 1/2 oz.
2/3 Cup = 3 1/2 oz.
3/4 Cup = 3 3/4 oz.
1 Cup = 5 oz.
http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_many_grams_are_in_a_tablespoon 1 C=16 TBS So 1 C=5 oz=16 TBS
About 32 tablespoons of pumpkin in 15 oz. Canned about same as fresh for amounts.
There are approximately 6 tablespoons in 1.12 oz of pumpkin spice.
If the pumpkin is chopped small or mashed a cup is about 7 oz. Pumpkins come in all sizes.
.125 fluid oz. equals how many tablespoons
25 oz of water is approximately 50 tablespoons
There are approximately 4.74 tablespoons in 2.37 oz.
How many tablespoons of peanut butter will equal 3 oz of meat
That is 2.1 tablespoons
That is approximately 1,410 tablespoons
4 oz vanilla extract is approximately 8 tablespoons.
That is approximately 1,410 tablespoons
4 tablespoons