If you download the movies by torrent, and they are about 6-7 GB per movie (1080p), then you do the math 1000/6.5, that makes about 154 blu-ray movies. But the disk size isn't the problem, the problem is the way of downloading that much espicially if your ISP has limited bandwidth.
1 terabyte = 1,048,576 megabytes.
There are 1,048,576 terabytes in 1 exabyte.
there r 1024 gb in 1 tb...
there r 1024 gb in 1 tb...
1,500,000 more or less.
1 EB = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 B = 1018 bytes = 1 billion gigabytes = 1 million terabytes.
Do you mean exabyte?1 EB = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 B = 1018 bytes = 1 billion gigabytes = 1 million terabytes
1 EB = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 B = 1018 bytes = 1 billion gigabytes = 1 million terabytes.
1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes are equal to 1 Zettabyte. There are also 1 billion terabytes in 1 Zettabyte.
Here is the conversion for you because I don't fully understand the question. 8bits=1 byte, 1024 bytes=1 kilobyte, 1024 kilobyte=1 megabyte, 1024 megabytes=1 gigabyte, 1024 gigabytes=1 terabyte, and 1024 terabytes=1 petabyte. So 1024*1024=1048576 megabytes=1 terabyte making 3 megabytes=.00000286102294921875 terabytes.
1000 terabytes or 1 petabyte.