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You can put your image in Header & Footer. Simply follow the few steps --

Go to menus, View --> Header & Footer. Now you will see two dotted lined boxes in your document, one of them would be in header and other would be in footer of your document. Now make sure your Courser should be in the dotted box and insert an image (in any dotted box header dotted box or footer dotted box, it depends on you that where you want to use the image in header or footer of the page). To insert an image, go to menus once again, Insert --> Picture --> From File. Now you will see a Insert Picture options window on your screen and select that picture which you want to use and then hit Enter key on your key board. Now you will see your image would be set in the top of the page. Same thing you can do with footer dotted box also. Now you can insert more pages in your word document, the image will spread into every page automatically.

Hope this helps,

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