The ALU (Arithmetic-Logic Unit) is generally a subsection of the CPU (Central Processing Unit). While the CPU is the master driver of a computer, the ALU is a processing area optimized to handle mathematical computations and logic comparisons. The processor controller passes operation codes and operands to the ALU, which performs the requested operation on the supplied data and passes back the results.
ALU - Arithmetic Logic Unit
FPU - Floating-Point Unit
What this means basically is that the ALU handles integer operations only, and floating-point operations (where the decimal point and fractions of integers are significant) are generally ONLY performed on the FPU (though there are some twisted tricks to get around this).
ALU- Arithmetic Logic Unit CU- Control Unit alu performs the arithmetic and logic operations. cu is the one which controls the entire processing.
The Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) performs arithmetic and logic operations on data, while the Control Unit (CU) manages the flow of data within the CPU. The CU directs the ALU on which operations to perform and coordinates the fetching, decoding, and executing of instructions in a program. Together, the ALU and CU work in harmony to process data and execute instructions in a CPU.
The ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) performs arithmetic and logical operations on data such as addition, subtraction, AND, OR, and NOT operations. The CU (Control Unit) manages the execution of instructions, fetching them from memory, decoding them, and coordinating the ALU, memory, and input/output devices to carry out the instructions.
It doesn't have to. The ALU is given one or two inputs and is told what operation to perform on them. It has no need to figure out whether that operation is arithmetic or logic, since each individual operation will be different anyway.
There is one main difference between combinational ALU and sequential ALU. Combinational ALU depends only on present circuits, and sequential ALU depends on both the present and the past.
the arithmetic logic unit (ALU), which performs arithmetic and logical operations, and the control unit (CU), which extracts instructions from memory and decodes and executes them, calling on the ALU when necessary.
write the function of cpu
the units of the CPU are :- ALU (arithmetic and logical unit) CU(control unit) the ALU handles the arthmetic operations being done by the application and the CU is responsible for handling the instruction passed by the micro processor.
ALU-->Arithamatic Logic Unit CU--->Control Unit MU--->Memory Unit
A CPU is made up of the control unit (CU), instruction decoding unit and an arithmetic logic unit (ALU).
CPU have 2 is ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) and second is CU(Control Unit)