Quite the contrary. Rats are used in psychology experiments on a regular basis because they are quick learners and are very intelligent.
Pet rats can be trained to fetch, come when they are called, use a litter pan, go back to their cage on command, run through agility tracks, run mazes and do odd tricks just as dogs can.
there are rats everywhere in the world. u just have to get them exterminated. this question is so dumb
being a Dumbo does not make any difference, they are social animals either way. They are "apparently" more docile.
Dumb heads, cat dragon ate him. Blah, I'm 3 and I know it, retard
There good scavengers, they are hard to trap as they sense changes to their environment e.g a mouse,/rat trap that wasn't there before- they can sense it and rats aren't as dumb as most people think. Also rats are extremely durable, making even the traps that land, sometimes ineffective.
rats arent supposed to have cheese what kind of dumb*** are you it constipates them and can eventually kill them as for seeds they can have those in moderation im a street kid and i know what all they can eat sh*t dude
rats are smart but also dumb, see they might not be as smart as humans but theyn did not invent school
Rats not not always carry rabies, in fact most do not a an animal that has been infected does not have very long to live. Any mammal can carry rabies, but rats are among the more likely candidates as many rats can live in the same area, increasing potential for transmission form one animal to another.
The oldest simile for 'as dumb as' is 'As dumb as a doornail'. Others include: As dumb as a wet noodle. As dumb as an unpowered computer. As dumb as a library with no books.
I have found that Cats Love to snack on Any breed of the "minature" or "dumb token" class of dog. Perhaps this is because these pathetic little creatures are so similar to rats and mice?
Dumb Dumb Dee Dumb Dumb
No, rats are vertebrates. Rats have backbones.
dumb dumb dumb