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I suggest the purpose of written communication is to communicate each others and find many friends ^^

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Q: What are the purpose of written communication?
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The reason for using language that suits the purpose of the communication is to get your message across to the others clearly. To change the language when speaking with audience.

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What is purpose of communication?

The purpose of communication is to transfer a message in our mind to another person.

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The purpose of a letter is to communicate. A letter is written when it's not possible to communicate in person, by telephone or email, or to have a written record (documentation) of the communication.

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What is the purpose of transcrition?

Transcription is the process of converting spoken language into written form. Its purpose is to create a written record of verbal communication, such as interviews, meetings, or speeches, which can be referenced, analyzed, or shared. It is also used to aid in accessibility for individuals who are hearing impaired.