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The FDCPA allows creditors to contact debtors as many times as needed as long as it cannot be defined as harassment. For example, a creditor/collector could probably call a dozen times within the 8:00 am to 9:00 pm time allotment without being in violation. However, they cannot call continually, for example every hour, every half hour, etc. Persons subjected to creditor calls should bear in mind that they have no legal obligation to speak with the caller.

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Q: How many times can a creditor call you in one day?
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How many times a day can a creditor call you before it becomes harrassment?

In the state of Kansas, how many times a day can creditors call you.

How many times can a telemarketer call in 1 day?

They should not be calling repeatedly during the day, nor at unreasonable times. If they keep calling in one single day, then it's a form of creditor harassment, you should keep notes of the time of each call and who you spoke to, and complain to the creditor or a professional body.

How many days late before a creditor can legally call you?

One day.

What do you do if a creditor calls you more than 5 times a day?

The next time they call ask them not to call then if they call again report them or ask to see there supervisor,.

How many times can a creditor cal lin one day and leave messages?

According to the FDCPA (Fair Debt Collection Practices Act) 1 contact may be made a day. A call with no message may not be considered a contact. However, a call with a message is considered a contact.

How many times can a creditor telephone in one day?

By the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act, debt collectors may call once per day and either speak to the debtor or leave a simple message. If the debtor requests or gives permission for the collector to call additional times, then more calls are permitted. Anything more is harassment.

Can creditors call you 20 times a day?

Yes, they can call you as many times they want if are not responding them.

What times of day can a creditor call you?

usually its between 8am to 9pm in your time zone but look up the fair debt collcection act and it will live you a list of things collectors can and cant do.

How many times in a day may creditors call you?

there this one company where we have our car financed if we are even 3 days late they call me at least 6or 7 times a day

Can a creditor call and harass you to make a payment during the 10 day grace period?

depends on the contract.

How many times a day can a creditor call you before if is phone harassment?

This is a very broad question. It usually depends on the state and previous case law in that state. 5 times usually isn't harassment, 20 times is. And then were the calls just no answer or was there a live contact or a voicemail left? Because then the # goes down significantly. Experience: I own a collection agency.

If a creditor calls you 6 to 10 times a day is this harassment?

NO , if there is no contact with the right party or no message left