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AnswerWell when people start to gossip around you always try to say something positive about the person they are talking about. Maybe eventually they will stop gossiping around you.

Honestly its almost impossible. A lot of the time it surrounds you. You most likely want to like the person said above say something positive about whoever they are talking about. Don't ever talk bad about anyone and if you need to vent only vent to one friend who you trust A LOT. Ignore any rumors about you... i heard this great quote saying, " Mind over Matter, if they mind they don't matter if they matter they don't mind... In other words if they know you well enough they won't believe it and if they don't then who cares let them think that.. there loss for not knowing how great you are (:

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Q: How do you avoid gossip?
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Sentence for averse?

I am averse to gossip but it is difficult to avoid it.

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Avoid hanging up with people who likes to gossip or control yourself but it is up to you... because sometimes its interesting and sometimes u cant control urself

What does gossip do to people?

when u gossip you are basically bringing someone down. example: if i were to go up to jonny and tell him that billy peed his pants... its talking down about billy. if billy found out i told jonny, billy might crry and be embarassed cuz gossip spreads fast...sometimes its not even true. sometimes people share gossip becuz they want to make themselves look better than the person they are gossipping about! if gossip is spread to you, don't pass it on. make sure its true if you have to tell someone, or juust say "im not sure this is true but did you really do this? or did he do this?" try to avoid gossip. it leads to depression. if you gossip about someone u may as well say something bad or embarasing u did with it!

How can you tell if gossip is real?

Get to the bottom of it. Go to the person the gossip is about and ask if the gossip is true.

What do mormans say?

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) say whatever they want, but they try to avoid swearing and taking God's name in vain. They are also encouraged to avoid gossip and speaking in anger.

Are Muslims allowed to gossip?

No it is bad to gossip

What part of speech is the word gossip?

The word gossip is a noun. It can also be a verb as in to gossip about someone.

If you love someone who has asked you out but you just dumped your boyfriend how long should you wait?

You shouldn't really have to wait at all but give it at least 2 weeks to avoid gossip

Do girls only gossip?

Yes girls like gossip because when they gossip ii gets louder

Is the sentence you enjoyed eating a juicy gossip is correct?

No. You do not eat gossip, you listen to, hear, or spread gossip.

How do you spell Gossip Girl in french?

Gossip girl

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because when they dont get nothing they gossip