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a triple king is real. it can hop vertically/horizontally over white squares

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Q: Is there a triple king in checkers?
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Name a game that involves the word king?

King's corners, Checkers, King of the hill, and King Kong

Can a king jump a king?

In checkers, yes

Can a king jump his own king in checkers?


Can a king jump a king in checkers?


How do you double king in checkers?

You can

What can jump a king in a game of checkers?

Either a king or an ordinary playing piece may jump a king in a game of checkers in the United States of America. But the rules are different in Italy. Specifically, in an Italian game of checkers, only a king is allowed to jump a king.

Can you divide a king in checkers?

no you can't

Is there a double king in checkers?


Can you split a king in checkers?

Oh, what a lovely question! In checkers, a king piece is already the highest honor a regular piece can achieve. We don't need to split it because it's already reached its full potential, just like a happy little tree growing strong in the sunshine. Just enjoy the game and let your kings shine bright on the board!

Can a king jump a king and capture it in the game of checkers?


How do you king in checkers if no checkers are available?

You'll just have to use some other kind of marker.

Can a king jump his own checkers?

In the game of checkers, a king is allowed to jump over its own checkers. Kings have more freedom of movement compared to regular checkers, as they can move both forward and backward. When a king jumps over an opponent's checker, it can continue jumping over multiple checkers in a single turn, regardless of whether they are its own or the opponent's. This ability to jump over its own checkers adds a strategic element to the game, allowing players to plan more complex moves.