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Do you mean through the manga or between the anime and the manga? Not sure, but I'll answer both:

For the anime, there was a different person to draw all of the characters, and so they all look different. The biggest difference is Tohru's eyes are not brown in the anime, and they are blue. And Kyo and Yuki's faces change a bit. You can tell a difference. Same with some of the other characters. And Kagura also is supposed to have brown eyes. But some characters look the pretty much the same though. I also noticed, the chins are more pointy in the manga (especially the first volumes, but it gets better in the later ones) but in the anime, they seem less pointy, and almost rounded.

If you mean throughout the manga, its because they're getting older. I think Tohru looks so much prettier once she gets older. And all the characters pretty much change. They all just look a lot older. I see a big difference between Kyo. So that's just because they're getting older - Well atleast what I think. And I'm also guessing she got better at drawing. Like in Phantom Dream, I don't think the characters look all that good, and in the beginning of Fruits Basket, they were okay, but later on in Fruits Basket and in Twinkle Stars (her new one and also called Hoshi Wa Utau i believe) they all look better..... that's just what I have to say.

Also because the series ran for so long the artist style changed a bit. There's also speculation that because she injured her drawing hand severely after volume six that it changed the art style from there on out.

(she's left handed)

Hope that answered your question :)

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 11mo ago

The art style in "Fruits Basket" changes due to different animation studios handling the production of the anime adaptation. Different studios might have their own unique aesthetics, leading to variations in the art style. Additionally, changes in character designers, directors, or production staff can also influence the overall look of the anime.

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