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probably cause he had that blue haired girlfriend maron

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11mo ago

Krillin named his daughter Marron after the French word for "chestnut," which is fitting because chestnuts are one of his wife Android 18's favorite foods.

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Q: Why did krillin name his daughter marron?
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What is the name of the daughter of Krillin and Android 18?

Their Child's Name is Marron.

Who is marron in dbz?

Marron is the daughter of Krillin and Android #18. There is also another Marron, who was Krillin's girlfriend in the Garlic Jr. filler saga.

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Yes, she does. She gets married to Krillin and they have a daughter named Marron in the Great Saiyaman Saga.

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Android 18 and Krillins daughter's name is Marron

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Some words that rhyme with "marron" are salon, chiffon, and echelon.

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Shikamaru and Krillin do a bit. Krillin is lazy and so is Shikamaru. Krillin is wise just like Shikamaru. Shikamaru and Krillin do a bit. Krillin is lazy and so is Shikamaru. Krillin is wise just like Shikamaru. Shikamaru and Krillin do a bit. Krillin is lazy and so is Shikamaru. Krillin is wise just like Shikamaru.

What colour is marron?

marron is brown in French.

What is krillin's last name on dragonball z?

He doesn't have a last name on the series.