"Vegeta" is a character from the popular Japanese anime and manga series "Dragon Ball." He is a Saiyan prince who starts off as a villain but later becomes a hero. The name "Vegeta" is derived from the word "vegetable," continuing the Saiyan race's tradition of being named after vegetables.
Alternate name for Vegeta.
well that's tough to answer in my opinion it would be vegeta because vegeta is the exact same lvl as goku and goku is stronger than gohan therefor vegetas stronger
vegeta is daddy
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Babidi goes into Vegeta's mind and takes control of Vegeta, which turns Vegeta evil (Majin).
vegeta jr. Dad is,King Vegeta of Planet Vegeta which was destroyed by Freiza,and Vegta has a little brother name Tarble
Of course Vegeta! Vegeta's amazing!!
no. but i thick he is cool
Vegeta has no last name. He is simply known as Vegeta.
Yes, that's why he was named Vegeta. A.K.A. Vegetable. :)
baby woonded vegeta & jumped in vegeta's woond