ichigo becase he is super fast they say hes nothing without his sowrd there wrong becase he has fighten many people with his bare hands and including he has 3 types of bankais and all the forms he has are powerfull in his hollow he judt screamed and makes a huge shockwave
In a fan war fight like this people would like to see an all out death match between Ichigo and Naruto. Let's start off with their signature moves. Ichigo has Getsuga Tensho and Naruto has Rasengan. Ichigo's Getsuga is ranged based while Naruto's Rasengan is for close combat.
Ichigo's Getsuga Tensho has variations to it such as the black getsuga in which he can control it's path. Ichigo can also become the Getsuga in which he can use the final Getsuga Tensho.
Naruto's Rasengan Has variations as well. He can use double Rasengan for double the damage, Rasen-Shuroken giving him ranged capabilities, he has Giant Rasengan, Sage Giant Rasengan. In Demon Fox form He has Demon Fox Rasengan and an unstable Beast Ransengan.
between those moves Naruto has the edge because Rasengan is more versitile while Ichigo can only use Getsuga Tensho from a range. Even if he uses the final Getsuga Tensho he would loose all of his shinigami powers.
In terms of transformations Ichigo has his Bankai, Hollow mask, 2nd hollow form, and final Getsuga Tensho form. Naruto has 9 demon fox trans formations and sag form.
Ichigo's hollow mask doubles as a shield and gives him an extraordinary power boost also strengthening hi Getsuga Tensho. 2nd hollow form lets him move in flash step faster than any other Shinigami. 2nd hollow form also allows him to use a full Cero, which is the equivalent to the nine tailed blast. In Final Getsuga form he can demolish every thing in his getsuga's wake.
Naruto has nine demon fox stages. Stage one: the initial demon fox form grants him speed that is faster than a snake's strike and gives him regeneration capabilities. Stage two: One-Tailed form which makes him faster and grants him claws. The chakra can extend to grab objects and will attack on it's own. Stage three: the Two-Tailed form makes Naruto stronger, even hurting his shadow clones in his presence. Stage four: Three-Tailed form is the strongest form Naruto can achieve without loosing control of his body, he gains chakra power so intense it melts the ground he stands on and a single punch in thish form can tear someone's arm off. Stage five: Four-Tailed form covers Naruto in a soid aura of the Nine-Tailed Fox's chakra. Naruto slips into the demon fox's grasp. this form burns Naruto's skin while healing it at the same time generating a great deal of pain. This form's defense is so powerful that Orochimaru's snake sword couldn't pierce him. Having physical contact with Naruto can poison a person. Stage six: Six-Tailed form is basically the same as Four-Tailed form except more powerful, giving him the capability to reflect Pain's Shinra Tensei. Stage seven: Eight-Tailed form gave Naruto the streght to punch through Pain's Chibaku Tensei and also gave Naruto the power to breath fire. Stage eight: Full-Nine tailed form is Naruto attempting to release the full Nine-Tailed Fox's power but only turns into a mini fox. Naruto can only stay in this form for a limited time. Stage nine: Nine-Tails chakra mode allows him to directly access the demon fox's power without interacting with it. This is a risky form because the demon fox can drain Naruto's chakra and that may kill him. Naruto also has sage form which makes him more powerful.
In the case of forms, the edge goes to Ichigo because he is able to stay calm in his forms and no matter how fast Naruto gets, Flash Step is still faster.
In terms of side moves Naruto has more, yet are easily considered weak to Ichigo.
The winner would be Ichigo due to the fact that he can stay calm at all times, he is faster than Naruto, he has a sword, and he can destroy any of Naruto's forms with his Final Getsuga if it comes to that extreme.
Naruto. would beat him with rasen shuriken
That's an easy question. Of course Ichigo would win! He could kill Sonic easily.
Naruto ado
They would have to fight first
Ichigo would win because he is currently at a captain-level, whereas Kira has only acheived lieutenant. This implies that Kira has not yet mastered his Bankai either
it would be a tie.!\ Naruto for many reasons! go and search "who would win naruto or ichiogo?" for the abilites of naruto. i have commented on it and it is the biggest answer at the very bottom.
haru do to the power of the ten powers tenth form
With all his powers, definitely ichigo. Neither naruto or luffy are likely to even see him, and any weapons they may use just cant compare to a zanpakuto
Goku blindfolded
definitely cipher
Goku. He destroys planets.
Vegeta, of course. Moonbusters are moonbusters.