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The word "fought" has the vowel sound /ɔ/, which is known as the "short o" sound in phonetics. Words that have the same vowel sound as fought include "taught," "thought," "bought," "naught," and "caught." These words all contain the same vowel sound as "fought" and belong to the same phonetic category.

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4mo ago
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11y ago

The OU in fought has the AW sound (caret O), as in bought and thought. This is widely spelled as AU or AW. In US English, many words ending in -ong have an -awng sound. Some words with OR are pronounced the same in British English.

Some words with this vowel sound are:

AW words - claw, brawl, lawn, awed

AU words - caught, taught, taut

OA words - broad

O words - on, long, song, moll, john

A words - ball, fall

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14y ago


hi is it

fig fit his hit sit

figs fish fist fits gift gist hits s**t

fight gifts sight


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15y ago

words from F I G H T: * if, it, hi, * fit, hit, fig * gift * thigh

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16y ago

words with these letters: F I G H T S * if * is * fig * his * fit * hit * hits * figs * gift

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