han fei
David Krumholtz plays the main character Charlie Eppes.
ross gellar is the character but the actor is david schwimmer
Ross Geller, played by David Schwimmer, is the paleontologist on the TV series "Friends."
Harrison Ford
The duration of David - Belgian TV Series - is 1500.0 seconds.
David - Belgian TV Series - was created on 2009-09-18.
David - Belgian TV Series - ended on 2010-06-30.
Brains is the name of the character. in the puppet tv series he is voiced by David Graham and in the 2004 film Anthony Edwards
Did you know:John Kelly was a fictional character in the television series NYPD Blue. He was portrayed by David Caruso in the first season and the first four episodes of the second season of the series.
Rick from "Casablanca". ---- PCH answer is just Rick Blaine.
The drama series, Thorne, first aired on Sky TV in 2010 starring David Morrissey as Detective Inspector Tom Thorne. The character was created in the crime novels by Mark Billingham.