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You can protect yourself from a bully in many ways

1. Inform an adult you confide in.

2. Call the police since the other person being an adult, this could classify as assault.

3. If you feel the need you could buy some pepper spray to keep on hand.

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Q: What can you do to protect yourself from an adult neighbor who is a bully?
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How should you handle a mean bully?

You need to go to a trusted adult and tell them about the mean bully. Do not try to take care of them yourself.

What can you do about the bully problem?

You can fix the bully problem by asking a adult to help.

How do you protect yourself from bullying?

Don't confront the bully. Try to stay away from him/her. You don't want unnecessary confrontation. That would would only make it worse.

How do you defend yourself from getting bullied or picked on?

tell the teacher or adult , ignore the bully or pretend you dont care if you have lots of friends get them all and stand in a group in the playground with them

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Ignore the bully. Pretend not to notice the bully. Walk away quickly to a safe place and get help from an adult.Stand up for yourself and your friends.Tell someone who is bullying you or your friends, "No!" or "Stop it!" Then walk quickly away to a safe place and get help from an adult.Don't be a bully. If someone is bullying you or a friend, don't fight back because someone could get hurt.Don't let the bully know how you feel. Don't cry or act like you are afraid. Try not to let the bully see that you are upset.Tell an adult. If someone is bullying you or a friend, it is very important to talk to an adult you can trust. Tell the adult what happened and how you feel. Ask for help.

How do you protect yourself from getting bullied?

Don't confront the bully. Try to stay away from him/her. You don't want unnecessary confrontation. That would would only make it worse.

Do adults bully you?

They shouldn't if they suppose to be an adult and mature .

If you have been getting bulllied in school Are there any protective spells you can cast around yourself to protect you?

No, because magic isn't real. However you can surround yourself with friends, since a group is harder to bully then one person.

What to do if you are bullied?

You should first go to an adult and report the problem so they can either keep an eye on the bully or have a talk. Don't report to an adult unless the bully is calling you bad names, threatening you or abusing you physically. Otherwise you need to stand up to the bully or ignore the bully. Don't talk back, don't kick or punch and don't be quiet and let the bully, bully you. This gives the bully more power over you. Good luck!

What do you do if a bully doesn't stop following you and you have already told an adult?

Tell your parents to tell bully's parents or tell the principal.

What Will You Do or Say to a Bully or Victim?

Well if you are being bullied then you NEED to tell a teacher or adult about the bully and tell them what they have been doing to you.

What are the top ten ways to deal with a bully?

There is acually only one way to deal with a bully. All you have to do is tell an adult.