isn't their ninja names Rocky, Cole and Tumtum?
The cast of The Rocky - 2011 includes: Jimmy Ault as himself
The cast of The Third - 2007 includes: Rocky Mattiolli as Rocky
The cast of The Rocky Horror Show - 1985 includes: Rachel Tyler as Janet Matt Watters as Rocky
The cast of Rocky Roads - 2010 includes: Kendall Rileigh as Tatum
The cast of Rocky Hollow - 1983 includes: Peter Sallis as Narrator
We don't know yet! Maybe, next year or couple more years. :) They should be in 3 Ninjas All Grown-Up! Joe should play Colt. Nick should play Tum-Tum. Kevin should play Rocky.
Rocky is 14 Bella is 13
The cast of Rocky Mountain Reunion - 1980 includes: John Denver as himself
The cast of Wildlife of the Rocky Mountains - 1957 includes: Geoffrey Hogwood as Narrator
The cast of Rocky Star - 1993 includes: Stephen Fearnley as Mitch Morgan Kerry Fox as Dianna Moore Christopher Morsely as Rocky Star