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Some can be as low as $20 and some as high as $150.

Many of the silk maps(most made of rayon) printed for Japan and the invasion of Japan were never used. So there is a large surplus of these and their value is less than a silk map of Europe or an early one printed actually on silk.

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According to eBay, probably around £100 give or take...

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Q: What is the value of World War 2 silk maps?
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Where can you find silk World War 2 maps?

try ebay

What is the value of World War 2 ordinance survey maps?

see ebay

How do you tell the difference between a silk and rayon World War 2 map?

One method is to take one thread sample from the map and burn it. Rayon will melt but silk will burn. Most "silk" maps made in WW2 were actually rayon. A few of the early maps were silk and these were usually crude maps and not in color. In 1943 the British also began using viscose rayon and cuprammonuium, a form of rayon commonly known asBemberg silk or copper rayon. The following site identifies most of the escape maps used by the Americans and many of those used by the British.

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Will Call of Duty Black Ops have the World at war maps available for purchase?

You could get the World at War zombie maps if you pre-ordered a special edition. The multiplayer maps are not available.

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What improved the accuracy of maps after World War 2?

Sonar, RADAR and satellites and space travel improved the accuracy of maps after World War 2.

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cotton or silk

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Can you get costume maps on world at war zombies ps3?

Custom maps are only available for PC.