

Verified answer

To retain information from reading assignments more effectively

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15y ago
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Hadley Higgins

Lvl 1
4y ago
This isnt a answer
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Orion Ellis

Lvl 1
4y ago
it's a 2010 answer, ofc it isnt lmao
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Lvl 1
4y ago
Understand and remember more of what you read
yes this is the right answer
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Lvl 5
3y ago

To help you understand and remember more of what you read (apex)

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Lvl 1
3y ago
Yes, Finally an correct option answer
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What is the purpose of using the sr2?

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Which reason should you use SR2 tequniqe?

The SR2 technique, or Successive Relearning with Retrieval, is a powerful learning strategy that involves repeatedly studying and then testing yourself on the material at increasing intervals. This technique is effective because it leverages the psychological principle of spaced repetition, which helps to strengthen memory retention and recall. By using the SR2 technique, learners can enhance their long-term retention of information and improve their overall learning outcomes.

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Survey, read, review

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but is that true

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