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One British 1733 Shilling would have the purchasing power of about 6.7 British Pounds today

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Q: One Shilling in 1733 is equivalent to how much today?
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How much money today is the same as a shilling in the 1940s?

One shilling in the 1940s would roughly be equivalent to about £2-£3 in today's money, depending on the specific year and inflation rates.

How much is a pound and a shilling - is it a guinea?

Yes, in pre-decimal British money, a guinea was a pound and a shilling (or 21 shillings). Today that would be equivalent to £1.05

How much is 3 shilling worth today?

about $2.28

How much would something valued at a shilling in 1896 cost today?

One Shilling GBP in 1896 had the purchasing power of about £3.85 GBP today.

How much was a British Shilling worth in 1770?

A British Shilling in 1770 had the purchasing power of about £4.94 GBP today.

How much was 1 shilling worth in 1778?

One Shilling GBP in 1778 had the purchasing power of about £4.60 GBP today.

How much would a shilling be worth in US currency today?

A British shilling was 1/20 of a Pound, or 0.05 GBPAcoording to the exchange rate for December 15, 2009:0.05 British Pounds (GBP) = 0.08 US Dollars (USD)So a shilling would be equivalent to about 8 cents US

How much was a Ireland shilling worth in 1729?

about 6 pounds today

How much meat would one shilling and ten pence get you today?

about 5 lb.

How much is a 2 cent shilling worth today?

Such a coin does not exist. There are 2 cent coins, Shilling coins and Two Shillings coins, but no 2 cent Shillings. The cent and the Shilling do not belong in the same currency.

How much is a South African shilling worth?

About the same as a british shilling 24 cents a shilling

How much is shillings worth in England in 1847?

One Shilling GBP in 1847 had the purchasing power of about £3.00 GBP today.