Depends on how big the geode is, how big the interior crystals are, their color, and if there's any damage. Also big difference btw retail and wholesale; buying one from a high end Manhattan interior decorator, or a shipping container full from the mines inSouth America? One will be more expensive! A minutes work with a search engine will give you a multitude of examples from which to judge current pricing. There's even a forum called "Money Grubbers", on one of the top mineral collector's sites, where you can submit photos of specimens for evaluation by experts.
how much is needless cactus worth
depends how big the finger is!
They can be worth from 5$ to a big selective amount of prices
500k Dollars
he is actually affordable on eBay
he is affordable on eBay
depends how big the finger is!
limestone need to be a big part to be worth money.
Amethyst is a semiprecious gemstone, and is not very expensive to buy. When buying an amethyst one must look for an intense and uniform purple color with no inclusions. Even a small inclusion will reduce the price of the gem. Due to its abundant availability there is not much of a difference in medium quality gem and commercial quality. But excellent beautiful natural untreated amethyst can command good price. A small 3 ct stone can cost up to USD 5 per carat whereas a high quality big size amethyst gem stone could cost up to 50 USD per carat.
Depends what games you have. Games from older collections may not be worth as much from newer collections.
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