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Q: Does lust include fictional characters
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Can a memoir use fictional characters?

No, a memoir is your memories. If you're schizophrenic, of course, you could include the fictional characters who "talk" to you inside your head, but that's a mental illness.

Where are symbols of Ouroboros found?

Ouroboros refers to the ancient mystical symbol representing a dragon devouring its own tail. The symbols of Ouroboros are found on fictional characters Lust, Envy, Gluttony, and Greed.

What do you call Fictional Characters that are Neither Living or Dead?

they are usually called "undead". examples include vampires and zombies

Are the characters from Call of Duty 4 real?

They may be fictional or a fact, but it seems that the characters are fictional.

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Who is the richest fictional person?

No one. Fictional characters don't have money.

What Fictional Characters names begin with j?

Some fictional characters whose names begin with "J" include James Bond, Jon Snow from "Game of Thrones," and Jane Eyre.

Is the characters from Super Mario Brothers real?

No, they are fictional characters.

Are the Vampire Knight characters real?

No they are fictional characters in a manga.

Are the Bauldelaires real?

No. They are fictional characters.

What movie fictional characters have won the most Academy Awards?

Fictional characters don't get nominated therefore win Academy Awards.

What are dragans adaptations?

Dragons are fictional characters. The adaptations that have been given these creatures include the ability to breathe fire and the ability to think and reason.