the characters
Terry Dumpton - school boy who is bullied
Stubbs - an aggressive boy
Sammy - Terry's friend
Two police officers
Mrs Dumpton
Mr Dumpton
Lesley Dumpton-sister of Terry Dumpton
Ross Webster
Mrs Vickers
The head teachers
Mrs Williams
Mrs Clark
Ah, my friend, in the tale of Humpty Dumpty, we have the main character, Humpty Dumpty himself, a cheerful egg who unfortunately has a great fall. Then we have the King's horses and the King's men who try to help put Humpty Dumpty back together again. It's a story that reminds us that even in difficult times, there are always those willing to lend a helping hand.
In the nursery rhyme "Humpty Dumpty," the main character is, of course, Humpty Dumpty himself, who is depicted as an egg. The rhyme also mentions "all the king's horses and all the king's men," who attempt to help Humpty Dumpty after he falls off a wall. These characters are symbolic and represent the failed attempts to repair Humpty Dumpty's broken state.
Well, honey, in "The Terrible Fate of Humpty Dumpty," you've got the star of the show, Humpty Dumpty himself, who takes a tumble off a wall. Then you've got all the king's horses and all the king's men who try and fail to put him back together again. Spoiler alert: it doesn't end well for our boy Humpty.
Terry Dumpton
Dad- Mr Dumpton
Mother- Mrs Dumpton
Ross the reporter
Sammy- Terry's shy friend that's a nerd
Stubbs- Gang leader
Police officers
Bully gang
The nursery rhyme "Humpty Dumpty" is traditionally set on a wall. In most versions of the rhyme, Humpty Dumpty falls off the wall and cannot be repaired.
Kathy did.
Terry was 38 years old.
Sammy is a compassionate and loyal egg who goes on a journey to save his friend, Humpty Dumpty. He is brave, resourceful, and determined to help his friend despite the dangers they face. Sammy's unwavering loyalty and quick thinking are key characteristics that drive the story forward.
NOBODY realy knows but6 it is probably in the 16th century
The 'Terrible Fate of Humpty Dumpty' is a play by David Calcutt.It is about a boy called Terry Dumpton who is nicknamed Humpty Dumpty. He is bullied in his new school by a gang lead by cruel, cunning Stubbs. Terry's only friend, Sammy, is a coward who can't stand up for himself. As the bullying gets worse, Terry begins to play truant (skip school) which worries and annoys his working-class parents, but they are powerless in the end.In the opening scene, the bullies and 'hanger-on' Sammy are pressuring Terry into climbing a pylon (electrical building) to go after one of the bullies' Frisbee. To prove he's not a coward, poor Terry climbs the pylon but gets electrocuted. He dies - this is the Terrible Fate of Humpty Dumpty.The rest of the play consists of Mrs Dumpton's reminiscence of the worrying events leading up to her son's tragic death, and the police inquiry into Terry's death by two police officers. In the end, scared, cowardly Sammy finally owns up to what happened to Terry and justice is done.
Humpty Dumpty is a fictional character from a nursery rhyme. The rhyme does not provide much context or detail about the situation, so it is difficult to determine if he deserved his fate or not.
The moral of Humpty Dumpty is that once something is broken, it cannot always be fully repaired or restored to its original state. It serves as a cautionary tale about the consequences of being careless or taking unnecessary risks.
Yes indeed, including Robin himself at the very end. He is poisoned and, knowing that he is dying, takes his bow and shoots an arrow out of the window and asks to be buried wherever the arrow fell. His men honor the request.
To have terrible fate means to not be lucky. You either have a hard time in life or just don't have the same luck as others. This can also mean that you can die of a terrible cause or have a sickness.