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Down fall all we ashes ashes roses of full pocket a rosy the around ring

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11mo ago

There is no definitive answer to what "Ring around the rosy" sounds like when played backwards, as it may vary depending on the interpretation. However, generally when songs are played backwards, they can sound disjointed and unclear due to the reversal of the lyrics and music.

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What childrens song is actually about the Bubonic Plague?

ring around a rosy

Who made the song Ring Around The Rosy?

The person who made the song was an old man named Sebastian. He is the ancestor of a man named Sabastian the 1st 2nd and Sabastian Jr. Their family is cursed.

Why in ring around the rosy ever one falls down?

because the song is really about death..... ashes, ashes we all fall down!!! "Ring around the rosy" refers to the pock marks that appear on the skin of smallpox victims: a red spot with a ring around it. During the epidemics that occurred more than one hundred years ago, virtually all smallpox victims died and "all fall down."

Why do you sing ring around the rosy as kids?

because it is a kids song there is your answer .as i was saying , and as teens and adults surround themselves around others they begin to think hey im cool i cant listen to that so other words they grow out of it .THANK YOU FOR ASKING

How many days did you have the plague for?

It lasted for many years! Did you know the song Ring around the Rosie is a song for the Black Death? Scary right?! Ring around the Rosie, - You get a black ring around your rosy cheeks if you have the black plague! Pocket full of Posie, - The people thought that bad smells caused the plague so they put a flower called posie in their pockets to keep out the smells. Hasha! Hasha! - An expression used for be quiet, or shhhhhhhhh! We all Fall Down! - Lots of people fall dead!

Why was the song ring around the rosy made?

"Ring Around the Rosie" is a nursery rhyme that is thought to have originated in the 18th century. It is believed to have been created as a playful song for children to sing while doing a circular dance. The idea that the lyrics reference the Black Death pandemic is a modern myth and not historically accurate.

How can you make a game to do in class to help teach the Black Death?

When the Black Death started (last in England in 1665) there was actually a popular game going around when it happened that is still popular today. It is called "Ring Around the Rosy". This song suggests one of the symptoms was a red rash with a ring around it, a pocket full of posies is meaning a pocketfull of flowers called posies which were meant in some cases to help the smell and in other cases it was believed that bad smell caused the disease. Ashes ashes were all of the cremations and we all fall down was simply everybody dying. Therefore if you can explain it and convince people to do it they can play Ring Around the Rosy to act it out. (There are many skeptics of this theory of the creation of the rhyme.)

What is the song ring around the rosie based on?

The song 'Ring Around The Rosie' was based off of the bubonic plague that was spread in England and surrounding countries in the 1800's. Your childhood is ruined now.

What is bob dylans favorite song?

his favorite song is backwards by Rascal Flatts

What is the the song the prisoners sing in The Fighting Temptations?

Ring around the rosie

Ring around the rosie a deadly song?

No. Many people think this rhyme is about the plague, but that is a myth.

What children's song orginated because of the plague?

"Ring around the rosie" originated because of the plauge.