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In World War 2, people thought there was going to be a dairy shortage (which is a main source of calcium), so they started to put calcium in the white flour (which was, and still is, something consumed by many people) so that people always got enough calcium in their diet. It has been carried on ever since.

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Calcium is added to white flour by law to replace the nutrients lost during the refining process. This enrichment process helps prevent nutrient deficiencies in the population, particularly in regard to calcium intake, which is important for bone health.

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Q: Why is calcium added to white flour by law?
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What volume of hydrogen gas is produced at STP as sulfuric acid reacts with 120 g of solid metallic calcium in a single-replacement reaction?

Using the molar mass of calcium, convert 120 g to moles. Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction, determining the mole ratio of hydrogen gas to calcium. Finally, apply Avogadro's Law to convert moles of hydrogen gas to volume at STP (22.4 L/mol).

What is wrong with this word equation calcium chloride plus magnesium sulfate barium chloride plus magnesium sulfate?

This word equation is incorrect because it does not follow the law of conservation of mass. The equation should be: calcium chloride plus magnesium sulfate yields barium sulfate plus magnesium chloride.

How is Hess's law used to measure enthalpy of desired reaction?

Hess's law is used to measure the enthalpy of a desired reaction by comparing it to a series of known reactions with known enthalpy values. By manipulating these known reactions and applying Hess's law, the overall enthalpy change for the desired reaction can be calculated. This allows for the determination of the enthalpy of the desired reaction indirectly, using information from related reactions.

How is Hess's law used to measure enthalpy of a desired reaction?

... Intermediate equations with known enthalpies are added together.

Is it legal to use white phosphorus as a weapon?

White phosphorus can be used legally for certain purposes such as creating smoke screens or for illumination in military operations. However, its use as a weapon to directly target humans is regulated under international humanitarian law. The use of white phosphorus in populated areas or against civilian targets is prohibited.

Related questions

Why do flour manufacturers add calcium carbonate to flour?

Because Calcium Carbonate contains a source of calcium it is added to flour. All manufacturers must add calcium into flour by law. This helps our bones and muscles stay healthy.

What three things have to be added to flour to ensure that it contains the right amount required by law?

Most states require flour to contain added vitamins and minerals to replace those lost during milling. The most important of these are iron and the B vitamins, especially thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin.

What vitamin is in milk yogurt and cheese?

Cheese and yoghurt are both dairy - so calcium, some vitamin d and protein. In bread you've got vitamin B complexes, folic acid and carbohydrate. (Vitamins and minerals are usually added to bread and flour by law, rather than occurring naturally in the bread).

Who made the law that matzah must be made in 18min?

Rabbis determined that if flour is baked within 18 minutes of water being added, it doesn't have time to begin the natural leavening process.

Is Enriched Flour Organic or Inorganic?

Enriching flour is the process of adding vitamins and minerals (required by law) to flour. As vitamins and minerals are usually 'naturally' occuring, the flour can still be 'organic', so long as the vitamins/minerals are produced by 'organic' means.

According to the law of conservation of mass how many atoms of calcium can react to produce more calcium?

The law of conservation of mass states that matter cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction, only rearranged. This means that the number of calcium atoms present before the reaction must be the same as the number of calcium atoms present after the reaction. Therefore, if a certain number of calcium atoms react to produce more calcium, the total number of calcium atoms will remain the same.

Can laws be added?

Yes, laws can be added. the congress can create a law, but the president must accept the law first.

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Its simply what they are with "in-law" added to the end i.e. son-in-law, mother-in-law, etc.

How has the idea of equal protection of the law be used to protect peoples rights?

It has been useds to protect people's rights because it was added after the Civil War. It was added along with the 14th amendment. It was an attempt to give the Afican Americans the same rights as any free white man had.

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The law is that it is not legal to cross a solid white line in cobb county.

Can you substitute whole wheat flour for semolina flour?

NOSemolinais the coarse, purified wheat middlings of durum wheat used in making pasta, breakfast cereals, puddings, and couscous.[1]The term semolina is also used to designate coarse middlings from other varieties of wheat, and from other grains such as rice andcornSemolina made from durum wheat is yellow in color.[4] Semolina is often used as the base for dried products such as couscous, which is made by mixing roughly 2 parts semolina with 1 part durum flour (finely ground semolina).[5]Broadly speaking, meal produced from grains other than wheat may also be referred to as semolina, e.g. rice semolina, or corn semolina (more commonly known as grits in the U.S.)When semolina comes from softer types of wheats it is white in color. In this case, the correct name is flour, not semolina. In theUnited States, coarser meal coming from softer types of wheats is known also as farina.WHILEWhole-wheat flour is a powdery substance, a basic food ingredient, derived by grinding or mashing the whole grain of wheat, also known as the wheatberry. Whole-wheat flour is used in baking of breads and other baked goods, and also typically mixed with other lighter "white" unbleached or bleached flours (that have been treated with flour bleaching agent(s)) to restore nutrients to the white flours (especially fiber, protein, and vitamins), texture, and body that are lost in milling and other processing to the finished baked goods or other food(s).The word "whole" refers to the fact that all of the grain (bran, germ, and endosperm) is used and nothing is lost in the process of making the flour. This is in contrast to white, refined flours, which contain only the endosperm. Because the whole flour contains the remains of all of the grain, it has a textured, brownish appearance.Whole-grain whole wheat flour is a robust, full-flavored flour containing vitamins, minerals and protein. Whole-grain whole wheat flour is more nutritious than refined white flour, although white flour may, in a process called food fortification, have some micronutrients lost in processing added back to the white flour (required by law in some jurisdictions). Fortified white wheat flour does not, however, contain the macronutrients of the wheat's bran and germ (especially fiber and protein) like whole-grain flour does. Whole grain is a good source of calcium, iron, fiber, and other minerals like selenium.[1] Regular "whole wheat" flour commonly used commercially has 70% of the germ removed to prevent rancidity, and as such cannot be labeled "whole grain". Whole-wheat flour has a shorter shelf life than white flour, as the higher oil content leads to rancidification if not stored properly, such as with refrigeration, or in other cool areas. Often, whole wheat flour is not the main ingredient in baked goods, as it may add a certain "heaviness" that prevents them from rising as high as white flours. This can add to the cost per volume of the baked item, as it requires more flour to obtain the same volume, due to the fewer and smaller air pockets trapped in the raised goods. Thus, many baked goods advertised as whole-wheat are not entirely whole-wheat; they may contain some refined white wheat, as long as the majority of the wheat used is whole-wheat.Nevertheless, it is possible to make a high-rising, light loaf of 100% whole-wheat bread, as long as one increases the water content of the dough (the bran and germ in whole wheat absorb more water than plain white flour), kneads the dough for a longer period of time to develop the gluten adequately, and allows for a longer rise before shaping the dough. Some bakers let the dough rise twice before shaping. The addition of fats, such as butter or oil, and milk products (fresh milk, powdered milk, buttermilk, yogurt, etc.) can also greatly assist the dough in rising.Scientific Food Center - FactsJordan-Ammanemail: info@facts-center.comWeb:

Extended value added tax?

The extended value added tax is a new law that was passed in the Philippines in 2005. This law adds taxes to petroleum, electricity, and other services.