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colors are different frequencies of light. atoms in objects vibrate in specific frequencies too. objects with atoms vibrating in the frequency corresponding to the color absorb that color and reflect the other frequencies they can't absorb. the color of an object is basically the frequency of light that it can't absorb.

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Certain colors are absorbed into objects based on their molecular structure. When light hits an object, certain colors are absorbed because they match the energy levels of the object's molecules, causing them to vibrate and absorb that particular color. Other colors are reflected or transmitted because they do not match the object's molecular structure.

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Q: Why are certain colors absorbed into some objects but not others?
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What process produces different colors we see in opaque objects?

The colors we see in opaque objects are produced when certain wavelengths of light are absorbed by the object and others are reflected. The reflected light is what we perceive as color. Different colors are seen based on which wavelengths of light are absorbed and reflected by the object.

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Colored objects appear colored because they reflect or emit certain wavelengths of light while absorbing others. When light interacts with the surface of the object, certain colors are absorbed and others are reflected back to our eyes, creating the perception of color.

Why are things certain colours?

Objects appear certain colors because they absorb some wavelengths of light and reflect others. The color we perceive is the result of the light that is reflected off the object and into our eyes. Different colors are the result of different wavelengths of light being reflected.

What colors of light are reflected and absorbed?

An object appears a certain color because it reflects certain wavelengths of light and absorbs others. The color of light that is reflected is the color that we perceive, while the colors that are absorbed are not reflected back to our eyes.

How does reflection and absorption play a role in our ability to see colors?

When light strikes an object, it can be reflected, absorbed, or transmitted. The colors we see are a result of which wavelengths of light are reflected and absorbed by an object. Objects appear colorful because they reflect certain wavelengths of light while absorbing others, and our eyes perceive these reflected wavelengths as different colors.

What processes produce a different colors we see in Opaque objects?

The color of opaque objects is determined by the wavelength of light they reflect. When light strikes an object, certain wavelengths are absorbed while others are reflected to our eyes, creating the color we perceive. Different materials absorb and reflect light in varying ways, resulting in the wide range of colors we see in opaque objects.

Where can you see absorbed light?

Absorbed light can be observed in objects that appear colored. When an object absorbs certain wavelengths of light and reflects others, our eyes perceive the reflected light as color. This phenomenon is what allows us to see different colors in our everyday surroundings.

Why are there different colors of light?

Different colors of light are caused by variations in the wavelength of the electromagnetic waves that make up the light. Each color corresponds to a specific wavelength range within the visible light spectrum. When light interacts with objects, certain wavelengths are absorbed and others are reflected, which is why we perceive different colors.

What happens to the the other colors that do not pass through the bulb?

Colors that do not pass through the bulb are either absorbed or reflected by the object that the light is shining on. Different surfaces interact with light in various ways, causing certain colors to be absorbed and others to be reflected, resulting in the perception of color.

Why does everything have a color?

Colors are a result of how an object interacts with light. Objects absorb certain wavelengths of light and reflect others, which our eyes perceive as color. The specific chemical composition and structure of an object determine which wavelengths are absorbed and reflected, leading to the colors we see.

How colors enter in the world?

Colors enter the world through light. When light hits an object, some colors are absorbed and others are reflected. The reflected colors are what we see, which gives objects their color.

How does color form?

Color forms through the interaction of light with objects. When light hits an object, certain wavelengths are absorbed by the object and others are reflected. The reflected wavelengths determine the color we perceive. Different colors are created by the absorption and reflection of different wavelengths of light.