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combustion as it is easier to tell that it has worked and more reliable.

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3mo ago

The bromine water test is better for distinguishing between alkenes and alkanes. Alkenes decolorize bromine water due to their double bonds, forming a colorless solution, while alkanes do not react with bromine water. Combustion tests are not specific to alkenes and alkanes as both types of hydrocarbons will readily combust in the presence of oxygen.

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Q: Which test is better combustion or bromine water when testing alkenes against alkane?
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How to down bromine in Hot tub?

To decrease bromine levels in a hot tub, you can either dilute the water by adding fresh water or use a bromine neutralizer product specifically designed for hot tubs. Follow the product instructions carefully to avoid over-treating the water. You may also need to adjust the pH level of the water afterward.

Why is bromine water used to test for unsaturated oils?

Bromine water is used to test for unsaturated oils because unsaturated oils can decolorize bromine water. The double bonds in unsaturated oils react with bromine, which causes the orange-brown color of the bromine water to fade. This color change is a characteristic reaction of unsaturated compounds.

Is bromine water good for testing for unsaturation?

Yes, bromine water is commonly used to test for unsaturation in organic compounds. It reacts with double or triple bonds in unsaturated compounds, causing a color change from brown to colorless. This test is often used to distinguish between saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons.

Does jams do etg test for holiday testing?

JAMS typically follows the holiday testing policies of the organization requesting the testing. It's best to check with the specific organization or JAMS office to confirm the testing requirements for the holidays.

How do you test white gold?

To test white gold, you can use a few methods including acid testing, electronic testing, and specific gravity testing. Acid testing involves applying acid to a scratch in the metal to observe the reaction. Electronic testing uses specialized equipment to measure the metal's conductivity. Specific gravity testing compares the weight of the piece in air and in water to determine its density.

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Bromine water fades when testing for saturation because the bromine is decolorized by the unsaturated organic compounds present in the solution. This reaction occurs because the unsaturated compounds react with and break the bromine-bromine bond, causing the bromine solution to lose its color.

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Arthur Bates Greene has written: 'The testing of internal combustion engines' -- subject- s -: Internal combustion engines, Testing

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How to down bromine in Hot tub?

To decrease bromine levels in a hot tub, you can either dilute the water by adding fresh water or use a bromine neutralizer product specifically designed for hot tubs. Follow the product instructions carefully to avoid over-treating the water. You may also need to adjust the pH level of the water afterward.

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Why is bromine water used to test for unsaturated oils?

Bromine water is used to test for unsaturated oils because unsaturated oils can decolorize bromine water. The double bonds in unsaturated oils react with bromine, which causes the orange-brown color of the bromine water to fade. This color change is a characteristic reaction of unsaturated compounds.

How do you measure combustion chambers on motorcycle heads?

You can't yourself. Only a machine shop that has the equipment can do it. And it is called bench flowing. Or flow testing.