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The hydrogen ion concentration increases.

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The process of ocean acidification, where the pH of ocean water drops due to absorbing CO2, can harm marine life with calcium carbonate shells or skeletons, such as corals and mollusks. This can disrupt the ocean's ecosystem and impact food chains.

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Q: When the ocean absorbs CO2 the pH of the ocean water drops. what's the effect of this process?
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When the ocean absorbs co2 the pH of the ocean water drops What is the effect of this process?

The process of the ocean absorbing CO2 leads to ocean acidification, causing a drop in pH. This can have negative impacts on marine life, particularly organisms that rely on calcium carbonate to build their shells and skeletons. Ocean acidification can disrupt the ocean's ecosystem and biodiversity.

When the ocean absorbs CO2 the pH of the ocean water rises. What is the effect of this process?

The hydrogen ion concentration increases.

When the ocean absorbs co2 the pH of the ocean water rises What is the effect of this process?

The hydrogen ion concentration increases.

When the ocean absorbs CO2 the pH of the ocean water rise What is the effect of this process?

The hydrogen ion concentration increases.

When the ocean absorbs co2 the pH of the ocean water rises what's the effect of this process?

The hydrogen ion concentration increases.

What happens when the ocean absorbs too much CO2?

When the ocean absorbs too much CO2, it becomes more acidic, which can harm marine life such as coral reefs, shellfish, and plankton. This process is known as ocean acidification and can disrupt the overall balance of marine ecosystems, affecting biodiversity and the food chain.

Which process increases the salinity of the ocean?

There are different kinds of process that deeply affects the salinity of ocean water. Continental deflections, Coriolis Effect, convection current and also evaporation.

How does the ocean absorb heat?

The ocean absorbs heat through the suns rays

Why does the global ocean absorb much of the solar energy that reaches the earth?

The ocean absorbs solar energy due to its high heat capacity and large surface area. This allows it to store and distribute heat effectively, regulating Earth's temperature. Additionally, the ocean's dark surface absorbs sunlight, contributing to the warming effect.

What is the meaning of the proverb little drops of water make a mighty ocean?

it means that by starting something small you can go to great extents. without those little drops of water how can an ocean exist? all those tiny drops collected together made the ocean

How does the ocean soak up energy?

The ocean soaks up energy from the sun through a process called solar radiation, which warms up the surface of the water. The ocean also absorbs heat from the atmosphere through conduction and convection, which helps regulate the Earth's temperature and climate.

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There is no such 'triangle'.