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It depends on the molar concentration (Number of moles per liter of solution, a mole is 6.022X1023 formula units). Since it is a strong base that gives one hydroxide ion per formula unit, the pH of an RbOH solution is equal to 14 + the logarithm of the molar concentration. So a 1.0M solution has a pH of 14, a .1M solution has a pH of 13 and so on until a pH of about 7.

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3mo ago

The pH level of rubidium hydroxide solution depends on its concentration. For a dilute solution, it would be around 14, indicating a strong base.

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Sodium hydroxide typically has a higher pH level than potassium hydroxide. Sodium hydroxide has a pH around 14, while potassium hydroxide has a pH around 12.

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Rubidium hydroxide is white in its solid form.

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The pH level of a 2M potassium hydroxide solution is around 13-14, indicating that it is highly alkaline. This is because potassium hydroxide is a strong base that dissociates completely in water to produce hydroxide ions, which raise the pH of the solution.

What is a balanced chemical equation for the formation of rubidium hydroxide from rubidium oxide?

The balanced chemical equation for the formation of rubidium hydroxide from rubidium oxide is: 2 Rb2O + 2 H2O → 4 RbOH