Insulin needs potassium to get into the cells.Glucagon is needed to bring your sugar up.
The chemical formula of insulin is C256H381N65O79S6
The chemical process that breaks down nutrients is called digestion. In this process, enzymes break down nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats into smaller molecules that can be absorbed by the body for energy and other functions.
Nuclear fission breaks down elements.
When a mineral breaks down and releases energy, it is known as a chemical reaction or a chemical process. This process may involve the release of heat, light, or other forms of energy as bonds are broken and new substances are formed.
Chemical weathering is the process that breaks down rocks by changing their composition through chemical reactions with substances like water, oxygen, and acids. This can alter the minerals within the rock and cause them to dissolve or transform into new minerals.
Hydrochloric acid
A diabetic cannot produce insulin - which is a natural chemical that breaks down sugars in food. The solution is to inject a synthetic form of insulin at regular intervals to maintain the body's natural balance.
The type of chemical weathering that breaks down rocks is acid.
A single chemical that breaks down into other substances during chemical reactions is "decomposing".
The chemical formula of insulin is C256H381N65O79S6
This is a chemical reaction.
The pancreas is what produces insulin in your body. Insulin is a chemical in your body that breaks down the sugars in the food you eat. A persons pancreas can shut down or not work properly, this is commonly associated with Diabetes. Diabetes is a health problem where the pancreas has either shut down or does not produce enough insulin to break down all the sugars. So the answer is yes, but you'd have to live on insulin shots or pills.
Diabetes is due to a deficiency of insulin or the inability to recognize/process insulin. Insulin breaks down sugar. Consuming excess amounts of sugar could lead to diabetes if you have trouble processing sugars.
Chemical weathering breaks down rocks