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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

The silicate ion, SiO4^4-, contributes a charge of 4- to form the silicate tetrahedron. This is because silicon has a charge of 4+ and each oxygen contributes a charge of 1- to balance it out.

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Q: What charge does the silicate ion contribute to form the silicate tetrahedron?
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What is the building block silicate mineral?

The silicon-oxygen tetrahedron is the building block of silicate minerals. The word "silicate" means the compound contains silicon in some form.

The building blocks of the silicate minerals is what?

The silicon-oxygen tetrahedron is the building block of silicate minerals. The word "silicate" means the compound contains silicon in some form.

What two elements must silicate have?

Silicate must contain silicon (Si) and oxygen (O) as its primary elements. These elements combine to form the silicate tetrahedron, which is the basic building block of all silicate minerals.

The building blocks of the silicate minerals is called the what?

The building blocks of silicate minerals are called silicon-oxygen tetrahedra. These tetrahedra consist of one silicon atom bonded to four oxygen atoms in a pyramid-like structure. They are the basic unit that combines in various ways to form the diverse silicate mineral group.

Which is not true of a single silicon-oxygen tetrahedron?

A single silicon-oxygen tetrahedron is typically not stable on its own and tends to polymerize or form interconnected structures with other tetrahedra. They are the building blocks of various silicate minerals and have a net charge of -4. Silicon-oxygen tetrahedra are not found in isolation but are connected to form complex networks in minerals.

Is silicon oxygen tetrahedron a molecule?

No, a silicon-oxygen tetrahedron is not a molecule. It is a structural unit found in silicate minerals, where a silicon atom is surrounded by four oxygen atoms to form a tetrahedral shape.

Which is not true of a single silicon- oxygen tetrahedron?

It has four silicon atoms.

When each tetrahedron shares three of its oxygen atoms with other tetrahedra silicates form what?

When each tetrahedron shares three of its oxygen atoms with other tetrahedra, a framework silicate structure is formed. This structure results in a three-dimensional network of interconnected tetrahedra, giving rise to minerals such as quartz and feldspar.

What provides the framework for all silicate minerals?

Silicate minerals are based on a fundamental building block called the silicon-oxygen tetrahedron, which consists of a silicon atom bonded to four oxygen atoms in a pyramid-like structure. These tetrahedra link together in various arrangements to form the framework structure that is characteristic of silicate minerals.

What has five faces but its solid?

A Tetrahedron. The most common form of a tetrahedron is called a regular tetrahedron, or a pyramid

If silicon bonded with three oxygen atoms how might the crystalline structures of silicate minerals?

If silicon is bonded to three oxygen atoms, it will form a silicate tetrahedron. Silicate minerals can have different crystalline structures depending on how these tetrahedra are arranged, such as in chains, sheets, or three-dimensional networks. This arrangement determines the physical properties of the mineral.

When each tetrahedron is bonded to four other tetrahedra silicates form?

In silicate structures, each tetrahedron shares all of its oxygen atoms with other tetrahedra, forming a continuous network of interconnected tetrahedra. This creates a 3D structure known as a silicate framework, which gives silicate minerals their characteristic physical and chemical properties.