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The fact that cell membranes are semi-permiable creates openings for the substances to enter.

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4mo ago

Cell membranes are composed of a lipid bilayer, which is impermeable to water-soluble substances but allows fat-soluble substances to easily pass through. Fat-soluble substances like chloroform and ether can dissolve in the lipid bilayer of the cell membrane and penetrate cells rapidly, leading to their rapid effects on cells.

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Q: What characteristics of cell membranes may explain why fat soluble substances such as chloroform and ether rapidly affect cells?
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What characteristics of cell membranes may explain why fat-soluble substances such as chloroform and ether rapidly affect cells?

The fact that cell membranes are semi-permiable creates openings for the substances to enter.

What characteristic of cell membranes may explain why fat-soluble substances such as chloroform and other rapidly affect cells?

The lipid bilayer structure of cell membranes allows fat-soluble substances like chloroform to easily pass through them. This is because these substances can dissolve in the hydrophobic interior of the lipid bilayer, making it easier for them to enter the cells quickly and affect them rapidly.

How do chemists explain this difference?

Chemists explain differences in properties or behavior by looking at the molecular structure of substances. Variation in molecular structure can lead to differences in physical, chemical, and biological properties. By understanding how atoms are arranged and interact within molecules, chemists can explain why substances exhibit different characteristics.

Enumerate the four objectives of chemistry?

Explaining the behavior of substances: Chemistry aims to understand the characteristics and properties of substances by studying their composition and structure. Predicting chemical reactions: Chemistry seeks to determine how substances will interact and combine through chemical reactions. Synthesizing new substances: Chemistry involves creating new compounds and materials through various chemical processes. Understanding the natural world: Chemistry helps explain the processes that occur in the natural world, from biological systems to environmental phenomena.

Explain briefly how you would separate chloroform or dichloromethane extract from an aqueous solution using a separating funnel?

To separate chloroform or dichloromethane extract from an aqueous solution using a separating funnel, you would add the mixture into the funnel and allow the layers to separate based on their densities. Then, carefully drain the lower aqueous layer while keeping the organic layer in the funnel. Finally, collect the organic layer in a separate container and repeat the process if needed for further purification.

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What characteristics of cell membrane may explain why fat-soluble substances such as chloroform and ether rapidly affect cells?

The fact that cell membranes are semi-permiable creates openings for the substances to enter.

What characteristics of cell membranes may explain why fat-soluble substances such as chloroform and ether rapidly affect cells?

The fact that cell membranes are semi-permiable creates openings for the substances to enter.

What characteristic of cell membranes may explain why fat-soluble substances such as chloroform and other rapidly affect cells?

The lipid bilayer structure of cell membranes allows fat-soluble substances like chloroform to easily pass through them. This is because these substances can dissolve in the hydrophobic interior of the lipid bilayer, making it easier for them to enter the cells quickly and affect them rapidly.

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