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Air and soil.

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3mo ago

Two substances that contain nitrogen are ammonia (NH3) and nitric acid (HNO3). Both of these substances are commonly used in various industrial and agricultural applications.

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Proteins are a class of such substances.

What are 3 substances in the body that contain nitrogen?

Three substances in the body that contain nitrogen are amino acids (building blocks of proteins), nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), and urea (a waste product of protein metabolism excreted by the kidneys).

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A mixture contain two or more substances (compounds).

Does N2 contain three atoms?

No, nitrogen gas (N2) contains two nitrogen atoms.

Which substances in the air are substances?

Air contain nitrogen, oxygen, other minor noble gases, ozone, carbon dioxide water vapors, fumes, powders.

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Fertilizer may contain: potassium, nitrogen, phosphorous, sulfur, cacium and some microelements.

What two substances make ammonia?

1 nitrogen 3 Hydrogen

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No, ketones do not contain nitrogen atoms. Ketones are organic compounds composed of a carbonyl group (C=O) bonded to two carbon atoms. They do not contain any nitrogen atoms in their structure.

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Proteins and nucleic acids

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Nitrate and ammoniak

Why are pure substances important in your daily lives?

Oxygen and Nitrogen are two examples

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Mixtures contain two or more compounds.