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1. They are highly ductile and malleable.

2. They can be machined easier and can be forged, formed to desired shapes much easier than ferrous alloys.

3. They are better conductors of elasticity and heat, hence being used in many electric and thermal applications.

4. They can be alloyed to achieve metals that have high strength


1. Since they are some of the nonferrous alloys are bad conductors of both heat and electricity, they a cannot be used is similar applications.

2. Most of the nonferrous alloys have lower melting point and hence cannot be used in thermal applications.

3. They react excessively to metallurgical processes and hence have to be dealt with higher precision.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

Ferrous metals (such as steel and iron) are strong and durable, making them suitable for structural applications. However, they are prone to rusting and are heavier compared to non-ferrous metals. Non-ferrous metals (such as aluminum and copper) are lighter, more resistant to corrosion, and have better conductivity. On the flip side, they are generally softer and more expensive than ferrous metals.

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