Heterogeneous Mixture- a mixture in which different materials can be distinguished easily. a.k.a. unevenly mixe -Amanderr Heterogeneous Mixtures- A mixture in which different materials can be distinguished easily. a.k.a. unevenly mixed
Fruit salad is a heterogeneous mixture because it contains different components that can be visually distinguished, such as pieces of various fruits.
No, a mosquito is an organism and not a mixture. A heterogeneous mixture is a combination of different substances that are not uniformly distributed.
Heterogenous, because the components are unevenly mixed throughout. However, smooth salsa is more homogeneous, and chunky is more heterogeneous. ;)
Brass is an example of a heterogeneous mixture because it is composed of two or more different substances that are not uniformly distributed throughout the mixture.
Sponge cake is a heterogeneous mixture.
heterogeneous mixtureA heterogeneous mixture is one in which you can see the different kinds of things that are in it. A mixed salad is an example of a heterogeneous mixture. You can see the different types of lettuce, tomato, cucumber, and so on in it.
A flower is a heterogeneous mixture.
Heterogeneous mixture.
Sand+salt: a heterogeneous mixture.
heterogeneous mixture
It is a heterogeneous mixture.
HOMOGENEOUS MIXTURE: A homogeneous mixture is a type of mixture in which the composition is uniformHETEROGENEOUS MIXTURE: A heterogeneous mixture is a type of mixture in which the components can easily be identified, as there are two or more phases present
Glittery nail polish is a heterogeneous mixture.
No, It is heterogeneous mixture.
Heterogeneous mixture.