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Dubnium is an artificial chemical element, metal, solid, radioactive, placed in period 7 and group 5 of the Periodic Table of Mendeleev. The atomic number is 105. Dubnium has 13 isotopes and probable 3 isomers.

Some estimated properties of dubnium:
-density: 29,3 g/cm3
-first ionization energy; 664,8 kJ/mol
-empirical atomic radius: 139 pm
-crystalline structure: body centered cubic

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

Dubnium is a synthetic element with the symbol Db and atomic number 105. It is highly radioactive and has a very short half-life, making it difficult to study. Dubnium is part of the transactinide series and its chemical properties are not well understood due to its scarcity and short existence.

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Is dubnium flammable?

Dubnium is not flammable.

What is the color of dubnium?

Dubnium is not found in nature and its color is not known. In its synthetic form, dubnium is likely to have a metallic appearance.

What is the economic importance for dubnium?

Dubnium has no uses.

How many electrons does dubnium have?

Dubnium, a synthetic element, has 105 electrons.

What elements make up dubnium?

Dubnium is an artificial chemical element containing only atoms of dubnium; dubnium is prepared via nuclear reactions.

Is dubnium harmfull?

Yes, Dubnium is harmful because it is radioactive. Dubnium is used for nuclear bombs and weapons.

What is the symbol for dubnium?

The chemical symbol of dubnium is Db.

What is the atomicity of dubnium?

The atomic number of dubnium is 105.

What is the current cost for dubnium?

Dubnium was obtained only in quantities of some atoms ! Dubnium is far too radioactive for anyone to have any!!!

What is the atomic number for dubnium?

The atomic number of dubnium is 105.

What are the formula of dubnium?

The chemical symbol (not formula) of dubnium is Db.