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Oxide (O2-) and hydroxide (OH-)

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Two strong bases are sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and potassium hydroxide (KOH). These bases dissociate completely in water to produce hydroxide ions, contributing to high pH levels in solutions.

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Q: What are 2 strong bases?
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Can bases be strong or weak?

Yes. There are strong bases such as sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and weak bases such as ammonia (NH3)

Are all metal hydroxides strong soluble bases?

No, not all metal hydroxides are strong soluble bases. Some metal hydroxides like aluminum hydroxide (Al(OH)3) and zinc hydroxide (Zn(OH)2) are considered weak bases and have limited solubility in water.

Can every strong electrolyte be considered a strong acid?

No, not all strong electrolytes are strong acids. Strong electrolytes include strong acids, strong bases, and soluble salts. Strong acids are a subset of strong electrolytes that fully dissociate into ions when dissolved in water, leading to a high concentration of ions in solution.

What is the difference between strong and weak bases?

Strong bases completely dissociate in water to produce hydroxide ions, while weak bases only partially dissociate to produce hydroxide ions. Strong bases have a higher pH and are more reactive compared to weak bases.

Names of three strong acids and bases?

Strong acids: hydrochloric acid (HCl), sulfuric acid (H2SO4), nitric acid (HNO3). Strong bases: sodium hydroxide (NaOH), potassium hydroxide (KOH), calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2).

What is the lowest pH to the highest pH?

Lowest pH, strong acids, then weak acids, then salts of strong acids and strong bases, then salts of weak acids and strong bases, then weak bases, then strong bases. All very confusing!

Do strong bases have a pH below 7?

No. Strong bases wold have a pH above 8 or 9. A pH of 13 would be a very strong base.

Do strong base has a strong conjugate acid?

No, a strong base does not have a strong conjugate acid. Strong bases typically have weak conjugate acids since the strength of an acid-base pair is inversely related - strong acids have weak conjugate bases, and strong bases have weak conjugate acids.

What disables enzymes?

Heat, presence of strong acids or strong bases

What do strong bases produce?

Strong bases produce hydroxide ions (OH-) in solution when they dissociate. This results in a high pH level above 7. Strong bases are capable of fully disassociating in water and are considered highly reactive.

Are strong bases sparingly soluble?

Strong bases are typically highly soluble in water due to their ability to completely dissociate into ions. Substances like sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide are examples of strong bases that readily dissolve in water to form hydroxide ions.

Differece between a strong and weak base?

Strong bases will almost completely disassociate into their component ions, e.g. NaOH -> Na+ + OH- Weak bases will only disassociate a small amount, so when writing equations, we keep the formula the same. Sr(OH)2, not Sr+2 + 2OH-