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To neutralise a strong acid, you would need a strong alkali (or lots of a weak alkali, but that would be impractical). Potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, lithium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide would all work.

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A common alkali that can be added to a strong acid to neutralize it is sodium hydroxide (NaOH) or commonly known as caustic soda. When sodium hydroxide is added to a strong acid, such as hydrochloric acid, a neutralization reaction occurs, resulting in the formation of water and a salt.

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Q: What alkali could be added to a strong acid to neutralise it?
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What is the solution called when a acid is added to alkali?

The solution could be neutral, acidic or basic depending on the concentration or the volume of the acid or alkali used.

Uses of neutralisation other than science?

In agriculture, as soils often contain acidic solutions and plants usually grow best when the soil is slightly alkaline.In medicine, as your blood has a pH of 7.3 and medicine injections must be exactly the same pH. If someone blood is changed by one pH they would die.In digestion, as the stomach is acidic, pH 1 or 2. If we wanted to neutralise the acidity we could swallow an alkaline substance such as sodium bicarbonate.To neutralise bee stings, as bee stings are acidic and can be neutralised using an alkali such as bicarbonate of soda, which would calm the irritation.To neutralise wasp stings, as wasp stings are alkaline and can be neutralised using an acid such as vinegar, which would calm the irritation.To neutralise waste from factories, as if this acidic solution is not treated and ends up in the river it could kill fish. Slaked lime is often used to neutralise the solution as it is an alkali.

What happens if too little acid is added to an alkali?

If too little acid is added to an alkali, the resulting solution may not reach the desired neutral pH level. This could lead to the solution remaining basic or alkaline.

How could you titrate an acid and alkali without the use of an indicator?

You can titrate an acid and alkali without an indicator using a pH meter. As the acid and alkali react, the pH of the solution changes. The endpoint of the titration is reached when the pH is neutral, indicating that all the acid has reacted with the alkali.

What are some interesting sciency things to explain in a paragraph?

You could write about acids and alkali's and how if you mix an acid and an alkali, the pH of the acid and the pH of the alkali basically cancel each other out. because an alkali's pH is high, around fourteen and an acid's is low, around 1, when these are added together, the solution becomes neutral, meaning it has a pH of around 7 and would not cause anyone any harm on the body. You could also talk about how different animals are adapted to there habitats. e.g= a polar bear is adapted to his habitat because it lives in the artic so they have long fur and thick coats so they don't get cold. Tigers are adapted to being a predator because it has long legs to it can run after predators and strong teeth and claws to bite into it's prey.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When exposed to this white powder it burns the skin what is it?

It could be a strong acid or alkali, such as sulfuric acid or sodium hydroxide. It is important to immediately rinse the affected area with water and seek medical attention if needed.

Could you answer this Several states would not ratify the Constitution because there was no what?

Several states feared the strong federal government and wanted the BILL OF RIGHTS added.

Example of alkali in the house?

One example of an alkali found in the house is baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), which is commonly used for cleaning, baking, and even as a deodorizer.

What are the Applications of neutralization?

Neutralization reactions are used in various applications such as in waste treatment to neutralize acidic or basic solutions before disposal, in agriculture to adjust soil pH for optimal plant growth, and in the pharmaceutical industry to develop antacids to neutralize excess stomach acid. Additionally, neutralization is also used in the production of biodiesel to remove impurities and in water treatment to improve water quality.

What would you mix an alkali or acid with to get a coloured substaince?

You could mix an acid or alkali with an indicator such as methyl orange or phenolphthalein. Phenolphthalein is colorless in an acidic medium and pink in an alkaline one.

Bones could be strong and what?

bones can be strong and healthy !!!!!!!!!!

Is lithium hard?

No, in comparison to the rest of the metals, lithium (as an alkali metal) would be called a soft metal. All the alkali metals could be cut with a knife, but still retain properties of metals.